哪朵玫瑰 没有荆棘

na duo mei gui  mei you jing ji

What rose does not have thorns

最好的报复 是美丽

zui hao de bao fu  shi mei li

The best revenge is beauty

最美的盛开 是反击

zui mei de sheng kai  shi fan ji

The most beautiful bloom is the one that fights back


别让谁去 改变了你

bie rang shui qu  gai bian le ni

Don’t let anyone change you.

你是你 或是妳 都行

ni shi ni  huo shi nai  dou hang

You’re you or you’re you, it’s all right

会有人 全心的 爱你

hui you ren  quan xin de  ai ni

Someone will love you with all their heart


呦 睁眼看看我这一路怎么来的

you  zheng yan kan kan wo zhe yi lu zen me lai de

Yo, open your eyes and see how I’ve come this far

随便你们给我贴上 什么样的牌子

sui bian ni men gei wo tie shang  shi me yang de pai zi

You can label me whatever you want

是非像大军压境 用食指指向天空

shi fei xiang da jun ya jing  yong shi zhi zhi xiang tian kong

Right or wrong like an army of people with their index fingers pointing to the sky

我在这 就在这

wo zai zhe  jiu zai zhe

I’m here, I’m here.

哪也不去 面如刀锋

na ye bu qu  mian ru dao feng

I’m not going anywhere, my face is like a blade

感谢你们用言语 把我推上’绞架’

gan xie ni men yong yan yu  ba wo tui shang ‘jiao jia ‘

Thank you for putting me on the ‘gallows’ with your words

我要活得像烈日 把糖衣砲弹烤化

wo yao huo de xiang lie ri  ba tang yi pao dan kao hua

I’m gonna live like the sun and bake away the sugar-coated bullets

生命只有一次 想得透彻所以勇敢

sheng ming zhi you yi ci  xiang de tou che suo yi yong gan

You only live once, you’re brave because you’ve thought it through

我跟他们不一样 身体里藏着虎豹龙胆

wo gen ta men bu yi yang  shen ti li cang zhe hu bao long dan

I’m not like them, I’ve got the guts of a tiger and a leopard in me

压制中学会反击 抠动命运的板机

ya zhi zhong xue hui fan ji  kou dong ming yun de ban ji

I’ve learned to fight back from oppression, and I’ve pulled the trigger of fate

每次挫折只会让我强大 当我看到转机

mei ci cuo she zhi hui rang wo qiang da  dang wo kan dao zhuan ji

Each setback only makes me stronger when I see the opportunity

如果伤痕是勋章 那我肯定是个将领

ru guo shang hen shi xun zhang  na wo ken ding shi ge jiang ling

If scars are medals, then I’m a general for sure

迷茫的孩子让我用这首歌 把你唱醒

mi mang de hai zi rang wo yong zhe shou ge  ba ni chang xing

Let me wake you up with this song, lost child

身上带着刺 当我穿过每条暗巷

shen shang dai zhe ci  dang wo chuan guo mei tiao an xiang

With thorns in my body As I walk through every dark alley

旅途很漫长 但方向不会淡忘

lu tu hen man zhang  dan fang xiang bu hui dan wang

It’s been a long journey but the direction won’t fade

游过太平洋 当我再次站在岸上

you guo tai ping yang  dang wo zai ci zhan zai an shang

Swim across the Pacific Ocean When I’m on the shore again

少年终会相遇 玫瑰也终将绽放

shao nian zhong hui xiang yu  mei gui ye zhong jiang zhan fang

The teenagers will meet and the roses will bloom



sheng er wei ren wu zui

It’s not a sin to be born


ni bu xu yao bao qian

You don’t need to be sorry

One day I will be you ,baby you gon’ be me



xuan hua ru guo bu ting
If the noise doesn’t stop


rang wo pei ni an jing

Let me be quiet with you

I wish I could hug you , till you’re really really being free


哪朵玫瑰 没有荆棘

na duo mei gui  mei you jing ji

What rose does not have thorns

最好的报复 是美丽

zui hao de bao fu  shi mei li

The best revenge is beauty

最美的盛开 是反击

zui mei de sheng kai  shi fan ji

The most beautiful bloom is the one that fights back


别让谁去 改变了你

bie rang shui qu  gai bian le ni

Don’t let anyone change you.

你是你 或是妳 都行

ni shi ni  huo shi nai  dou hang

You’re you or you’re you, it’s all right

会有人 全心的 爱你

hui you ren  quan xin de  ai ni

Someone will love you with all their heart



ba wo hua zuo teng jia yi huo bi zuo jian dao

Turn me into a vine or a sword


liang zhe jie ke wei he zheng duo ru ci xuan xiao

Either way, why is the fight so loud?

我是谁的解药 谁又害怕丢掉

wo shi shui de jie yao  shui you hai pa diu diao

Whose antidote am I? Who’s afraid to throw it away?

花瓣枯萎凋谢 姿态没有动摇

hua ban ku wei diao xie  zi tai mei you dong yao

The petals are wilting and fading, the gestures are not wavering

雨搭霓裳 何必抱怨雨

yu da ni shang  he bi bao yuan yu

Why complain about the rain?

去攀楼宇 那就随风去

qu pan lou yu  na jiu sui feng qu

To climb the building Then let the wind go

世间如此多的道理 哪句道出自己

shi jian ru ci duo de dao li  na ju dao chu zi ji

There are so many truths in the world, which one speaks for itself

我忠于我的声音 喊出想说的字句

wo zhong yu wo de sheng yin  han chu xiang shuo de zi ju

I am faithful to my voice and I say what I want to say


你并没有罪 罪的是时间

ni bing mei you zui  zui de shi shi jian

You’re not guilty, it’s time that’s guilty


玫瑰少年 在我心里

mei gui shao nian  zai wo xin li
The rose boy in my heart

绽放著 鲜艳的 传奇

zhan fang zhe  xian yan de  chuan qi

A bright legend blooms in my heart

我们都 从来没 忘记

wo men dou  cong lai mei  wang ji

We have never forgotten


你的控诉 没有声音

ni de kong su  mei you sheng yin

Your accusation has no voice

却倾诉 更多的 真理

que qing su  geng duo de  zhen li

But speaks more truth

却唤醒 无数的 真心

que huan xing  wu shu de  zhen xin

But awakens countless truths


哪朵玫瑰 没有荆棘

na duo mei gui  mei you jing ji

What rose does not have thorns

最好的报复 是美丽

zui hao de bao fu  shi mei li

The best revenge is beauty

最美的盛开 是反击

zui mei de sheng kai  shi fan ji

The most beautiful bloom is the one that fights back


别让谁去 改变了你

bie rang shui qu  gai bian le ni

Don’t let anyone change you.

你是你 或是妳 都行

ni shi ni  huo shi nai  dou hang

You’re you or you’re you, it’s all right

会有人 全心的 爱你

hui you ren  quan xin de  ai ni

Someone will love you with all their heart


玫瑰少年 在我心里

mei gui shao nian  zai wo xin li

Rose boy in my heart


(zheng yan kan kan wo men yi lu zen me lai de

(Open your eyes and see how we’ve come all this way


sui bian ni men gei wo tie shang shi me yang de pai zi )

You can label me as whatever you want)

玫瑰少年 在我心里

mei gui shao nian  zai wo xin li

Rose boy in my heart


(zheng yan kan kan wo men yi lu zen me lai de

(Open your eyes and see how we’ve come all this way


sui bian ni men gei wo tie shang shi me yang de pai zi )

You can label me as whatever you want)

玫瑰少年 在我心里

mei gui shao nian  zai wo xin li

Rose boy in my heart


(zheng yan kan kan wo men yi lu zen me lai de

(Open your eyes and see how we’ve come all this way


sui bian ni men gei wo tie shang shi me yang de pai zi )

You can label me as whatever you want)

玫瑰少年 在我心里

mei gui shao nian  zai wo xin li

Rose boy in my heart


(zheng yan kan kan wo men yi lu zen me lai de

(Open your eyes and see how we’ve come all this way


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