• Drama Title: No Foul Game: Hysteria Raid 不能犯规的游戏之癔病突袭
  • Origin: China
  • Release Date: Oct 29, 2021 - Nov 4, 2021
  • Episode: 18



Zhang Ze Yuan's first love, Huang Shi Jie dies from a car accident. In order to save Huang Shi Jie, Ze Yuan used the camera she left behind to travel through time and space, and returned to the day of the 18-year-old senior year, hoping to save her. But despite his efforts, the ending is the same, prompting him to time-travel many times until he realizes he is not the only one who has been tampering with the past.


  • Fang Xiao Dong as Zheng Ze Yuan
  • Zhang Xin Yi as Huang Shi Jie




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