Director Liu saw Xia Chu's thoughts and specifically reminded her that if she chooses to board the ship, she must avoid falling in love with the pilot, otherwise it will be a violation of discipline. Despite this, Xia Chu still decided to apply to join the female soldier company because she saw that these pilots were willing to do whatever it took for the national aircraft carrier cause. Everyone had written suicide notes to participate in the test flight mission. She suddenly felt that she should do something for these people. Contribute your part.

In order to obtain Director Liu's approval, Xia Chu promised to no longer be responsible for Xie Zhenyu's psychological support work. Director Liu respected her decision. Back in the dormitory, Xia Chu confessed to Liu Nina that she liked Xie Zhenyu and decided to sign up for the ship. Liu Nina also expressed her willingness to sign up, but Xia Chu asked Liu Nina to think carefully because she was not allowed to fall in love for at least three years after boarding the ship, which meant that the two people in love would not be able to stay together for the time being.

Later, Director Liu recommended Xia Chu and Liu Nina to Yi Zhengbang, and emphasized that Xia Chu, as one of the few first-level psychological counselors in the country, not only has rich clinical experience, but also created a psychological support system for pilots. With her qualifications, education and outstanding achievements, Xia Chu is fully qualified to join the ship, and I believe she can continue to make progress in this position.

In addition, Director Liu revealed that Xia Chu had broken up with her fiancé for this test flight mission, which fully reflected her love for the military identity and her determination to continue serving the pilots. In the end, Yi Zhengbang approved their applications and suggested that Xia Chu could take the initiative to apply for the position of female soldier cadre on the ship.

When Xie Zhenyu returned to the dormitory, he found that Kang Yancheng was writing a letter to Liu Nina. It turns out that the mission is about to end, and Kang Yancheng plans to confess his love to Liu Nina. However, the next day, Liu Nina informed Xie Zhenyu and Kang Yancheng that they would no longer be responsible for their psychological counseling work because they would soon be on the ship.

Although Xie Zhenyu and Kang Yancheng were full of reluctance, they still respected Liu Nina and Xia Chu's decision. Xia Chu has already expressed her true thoughts. She is eager to witness that great moment with her own eyes and stand shoulder to shoulder with everyone. She reminded Xie Zhenyu to pay attention to safety when flying in the future. Xie Zhenyu readily agreed and agreed to meet her on the big ship.

Soon, Xia Chu and Liu Nina joined the female soldiers and got acquainted with the female soldiers in the same dormitory. They all chatted happily. Although Xia Chu is a female soldier, the commander informed them that they will receive basic training before boarding the ship together with the male soldiers. Xia Chu and others persisted and trained again and again. Their unyielding spirit made the leader quite satisfied.

Yi Zhengbang was equally happy to see that the test flight team's scores were all perfect, and he was pleased with the performance of Qin Dadi and others. At this time, Qin Dadi called and requested to be transferred to the padlock experiment. Yi Zhengbang decided to go to the test flight base in person to understand the true level of these so-called "perfect score" pilots.

Before the test flight started, Yi Zhengbang approached Xie Zhenyu and asked to start the test flight from tenth place. However, no one knew that there would be a lanyard task that day. Many team members soared neatly into the sky, and even the two managers came to watch in person. Surprisingly, every team member displayed outstanding skills.

When the test flight reached eighth place, Yi Zhengbang suddenly ordered to raise the blocking rope. This sudden order shocked everyone present, but everyone still implemented it quickly. During the flight, Wu Qiang suffered a recurrence of an old injury due to the strong impact, but he responded calmly, successfully controlled the aircraft, and finally landed safely on the ship and successfully hung up the rope. Other team members also finished one after another, and the whole audience was excited.

Yi Zhengbang came to inspect the training of female soldiers and found that Xia Chu accidentally fell during climbing training. He found Xia Chu and asked why he insisted on applying to board the ship. Xia Chu expressed her determination that even if she cannot serve as captain, she will go all out to become a female soldier. No matter what the outcome, she will board the aircraft carrier and realize her value as a soldier. At the same time, Big Bear cried bitterly next to the plane. They were expected to board the ship, but their spot was taken away by another team. This news shocked the captain.


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