Xia Chu broke up with Qian Cheng straight to the point, and confessed in front of Qian's mother that he could not be what they expected due to professional reasons, and he would not choose to change careers and give up his military status for them. After saying these words, Xia Chu returned the items to Qian Cheng and hurriedly left the ward without waiting for the other party's response. Upon seeing this, Qian Cheng wanted to pursue him, but was stopped by his mother.

While Liu Nina was waiting for Xia Chu at home, she accidentally discovered the torn photos in the trash can in Xia Chu's room. She understood everything instantly and hurried out the door. At the same time, Xia Chu ran alone on the playground to release his emotions after breaking up with Qian Cheng. Liu Nina sat in the stands and lamented the complexity and hurtfulness of love.

It was rare for Qin Dadi to have time to spend with his son. Qin Yu was full of curiosity about what it was like to be a pilot and what happened on the plane. In order to satisfy his son's curiosity, Qin Da took him to the simulation training cabin to experience it. Qin Yu played the role of a pilot for the first time, soaring among the blue sky and white clouds, and was very excited. Wu Xiao couldn't help but laugh when he saw the father and son having so much fun.

When Chen Yahong accompanied Yu Tao to visit her mother, she mentioned that she wanted to get pregnant early to satisfy her grandfather's wish to have a grandson. Yu Tao was hesitant about this. Considering the hardships of his mother as a martyr's family, he was worried that if he met with misfortune, Chen Yahong would make the same mistake again. However, Chen Yahong firmly stated that no matter what happens, she will face it bravely and always stay with Yu Tao.

Later, Yu Tao personally cooked a table of delicious food. Yu's mother was filled with joy when she saw the two of them, and she felt sorry for changing the wedding date and felt that she had failed her in-laws. But Chen Yahong didn't mind, and took this opportunity to express her true feelings to Yu's mother. She believed that since the two of them had obtained the certificates, they were officially husband and wife, so this meal might as well be regarded as a wedding. Chen Yahong drank a glass of wine with Yu Tao in front of Yu's mother. She thanked Yu's mother for her hard work and knew how difficult it was for her to train Yu Tao to become an excellent pilot. Finally, Chen Yahong decided to stay at Yu’s mother’s house that night, and Yu’s mother was deeply moved.

The three-day vacation has passed by in a hurry, and the time of departure is about to come. Although Qin Dadi felt extremely reluctant to give up, he still tried to maintain his composure and accompanied the mother and son to have their last meal. Qin Yu saw Qin Dadi's reluctance and urged him to return to the army quickly. Qin Dadi knew that as a soldier, he had to give up many things, so he could only swear in his heart to complete the mission as soon as possible and return to his family as soon as possible.

Everyone returned to the flight test brigade base one after another and devoted themselves to intense training. The boss visited the site in person to share valuable experience with the team members, hoping that they could become more proficient in operating the aircraft and complete the test flight tasks efficiently. Facing more challenges that may be encountered in the future, the boss discussed various issues with examples and emphasized the importance of lanyards. Even if the ground lanyards have been successful, the test on the aircraft carrier must achieve the same results.

On the other side, the medical team welcomed new members. Xia Chu explained to them in detail the responsibilities and obligations they were about to assume, and informed each medical team member that they must provide one-on-one guidance to the test pilots in order to quickly establish the country's own carrier-based aircraft flight medical system and prepare for large-scale training of carrier-based aircraft in the future. Fighter pilots lay the foundations of medicine.

In order to ensure that the team members are clear about their tasks, Xia Chu specifically pointed out that it is necessary to fully understand the pilot's psychological and physical conditions. In the first stage, the focus is on identifying mental factors that have a significant impact on pilots and establishing files in a timely manner. That night, Liu Nina tossed and turned, realizing that she might have feelings for Kang Yancheng, but she was worried about his relationship status. Xia Chu suggested that she go directly to the political commissar to understand the situation.

As the flight test brigade enters the test phase of simulated aircraft carrier deck landing test flight on land, the expert team put forward two major goals: first, to break through the key technology of carrier-based aircraft simulating aircraft carrier deck landing, and second, to detect people, Adaptability of aircraft, cables, ships and lights. However, in subsequent test flights, the effect was not as ideal as expected. Although the take-off process was relatively smooth, the landing process encountered great difficulties. Qin Dadi's landing failed due to interference from strong light on the ground, which affected his judgment. Other team members also encountered similar problems one after another.


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