应我 以无旁骛之吻

ying wo  yi wu pang wu zhi wen

Kiss me with all your heart

以失分寸的真 妥帖我们

yi shi fen cun de zhen  tuo tie wo men

This unacceptable true feeling suits us well

凉风袭月 推朱门 空荡不狠

liang feng xi yue  tui zhu men  kong dang bu hen

Sweeping across the moon and the vermilion gate Cool wind finds its effort vain

这现世安稳 太适合牺牲

zhe xian shi an wen  tai shi he xi sheng

Beneath the tranquility the world sees sacrifices

见我 以顽劣的天真

jian wo  yi wan lie de tian zhen

Playful and simple I am

忌中庸般隐忍 浪费余生

ji zhong yong ban yin ren  lang fei yu sheng

Hate to stay neutral and forbearing And waste life

时光再蛮横 也要拜赤子骨鲠

shi guang zai man heng  ye yao bai chi zi gu geng

Time roars past

思念倒不必 借你回应来傍身

si nian dao bu bi  jie ni hui ying lai bang shen

To think of you I don’t need your response or company

当时风花纷纷 应是好时辰

dang shi feng hua fen fen  ying shi hao shi chen

It’s the blooming season The best time of a year


he gu yao duan zuo feng yue li gu shen

Why sit alone in freezing wind and moonlight


xiang zai dan qing de cheng

As in a city in wash painting


gou huo lin bi mo de ren

A man saves every possible stroke


bu ken yong ling hun xiang ren

And refuses to reunite heart and soul


wang ni yu sheng she shui er qu de gu du

The rest of your life will be a lonely journey


jiu bu yao zhi yu wo zai de pian fu

So do not try to heal the part with me in

为你踏平的路 酩酊在我的眉目

wei ni ta ping de lu  ming ding zai wo de mei mu

The way I paved for you mists in my eyes


luo cheng sheng dong de xin wu

And becomes a vivid token


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