Original Lyrics for:  Wish to be One Heart with You 願得一心人

Song for the Chinese Drama: Royal Nivana

[ Chinese, Pinyin & Eng. Translation ]


yue guang bian zhi de nian lun

The Rings of Moonlight


rao guo ni jin suo xin men

Around your locked door inside my heart.


mei ren xiang wo bu duan kou wen

No one’s been asking questions like I do.


ming ming ni xiang lai zui pa han leng

You’re always afraid of the cold.


wei he hui jue wen cun

Why do you refuse to be gentle?


原來一心人 為何又離分

yuan lai yi xin ren  wei he you li fen

So why did you split up?

你提著孤燈 獨自尋找星辰

ni ti zhe gu deng  du zi xun zhao xing chen

You look for the stars alone with a solitary lamp

轉身前的眼神 洩露多少靈魂

zhuan shen qian de yan shen  xie lu duo shao ling hun

How many souls leaked in the eyes before turning around


shi yan huang yan yi bing feng cun

Vows and lies sealed.


xuan er wei jue zui can ren

The cruelest of all.


願得一心人 白首不離分

yuan de yi xin ren  bai shou bu li fen

Willing to have a white head with you

我風雪半生 直到與你相認

wo feng xue ban sheng  zhi dao yu ni xiang ren

I lived half my life unleashed until I knew you.

看盡浮浮沉沉 細數晨晨昏昏

kan jin fu fu chen chen  xi shu chen chen hun hun

See all ups and downs

一懷溫暖 是否癒合你餘生傷痕

yi huai wen nuan  shi fou yu he ni yu sheng shang hen

Does the warmth heal the scars of the rest of your life


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