Original Chinese, Pinyin & Eng. Translated Lyrics for: Heavenly Gift


如果我 一颗心被你俘虏
Rú guǒ wǒ yī kē xīn bèi nǐ fú lǔ
If my one heart was held captive by you
Jiù liú làng zài nǐ huái lǐ de guó dù
Just wander in the country of your embrace
我沿你 手掌心的纹路
Wǒ yán nǐ shǒu zhǎng xīn de wén lù
I’ll follow the lines on the palm of your hand
Qǐ chéng wǒ de zhuī zhú
And set out on my chase

如果你 眉宇都挂着孤独
Rú guǒ nǐ méi yǔ dōu guà zhe gū dú
If loneliness is hanging on your forehead
就抚摸 让你冰山化成湖
Jiù fǔ mō ràng nǐ bīng shān huà chéng hú
Just touch it gently, let your iceberg melt into a lake
我陪你 疯的任性糊涂
Wǒ péi nǐ fēng de rèn xìng hú tu
I’ll keep you company in being crazily willful and muddled
Xiào de lèi yǎn mó hu
Laughing until tears blur our eyes

就一眼 爱变成一种天赋
Jiù yī yǎn ài biàn chéng yī zhǒng tiān fù
In just one glance, love became a kind of heavenly gift
心跳在 你面前有了温度
Xīn tiào zài nǐ miàn qián yǒu le wēn dù
When my heart beats in front of you, it has warmth
Wǒ wéi nǐ kāi shǐ lǐng wù
Because of you, I’ve started to understand
Wàng diào míng tiān hé jiǎ rú
To forget about tomorrow and the what ifs
Xìng fú jiù shì mǎn zú
Happiness is being content

只一眼 爱变成一种天赋
Zhǐ yī yǎn ài biàn chéng yī zhǒng tiān fù
With only one glance, love became a kind of heavenly gift
不自觉 能牵你笑抱你哭
Bù zì jué néng qiān nǐ xiào bào nǐ kū
Unaware of it, I am able to lead you to smile and cry while hugging you
Wǒ wéi nǐ yǒu le lǚ tú
Because of you, I have a journey
Bù guǎn lí tiān yá jǐ bù
No matter how many steps it is to the ends of the earth
Wǒ dōu bù zài hu
I wouldn’t care

就一眼 爱变成一种天赋
Jiù yī yǎn ài biàn chéng yī zhǒng tiān fù
In just one glance, love became a kind of heavenly gift
心跳在 你面前有了温度
Xīn tiào zài nǐ miàn qián yǒu le wēn dù
When my heart beats in front of you, it has warmth
Wǒ wéi nǐ kāi shǐ lǐng wù
Because of you, I’ve started to understand
Wàng diào míng tiān hé jiǎ rú
To forget about tomorrow and the what ifs
Xìng fú jiù shì mǎn zú
Happiness is being content

只一眼 爱变成一种天赋
Zhǐ yī yǎn ài biàn chéng yī zhǒng tiān fù
With only one glance, love became a kind of heavenly gift
不自觉 能牵你笑抱你哭
Bù zì jué néng qiān nǐ xiào bào nǐ kū
Unaware of it, I am able to lead you to smile and cry while hugging you
Wǒ wéi nǐ yǒu le lǚ tú
Because of you, I have a journey
Bù guǎn lí tiān yá jǐ bù
No matter how many steps it is to the ends of the earth
Wǒ dōu bù zài hu
I wouldn’t care


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