只是偶然路过 请不要在意

zhi shi ou ran lu guo qing bu yao zai yi

Just passing by, don’t mind me,

jie ni dang yi xia yu

Using you as a shield from the rain.

如同一抹绚丽 穿透了玻璃

ru tong yi mo xuan li chuan tou le bo li

Like a vibrant splash, breaking through the glass,

蓝色的冰天雪地 一团篝火被燃起

lan se de bing tian xue di yi tuan gou huo bei ran qi

A blue ice world, a bonfire ignites.

你见过海浪吗 你爱着星空吗

ni jian guo hai lang ma ni ai zhe xing kong ma

Have you seen the waves? Do you love the stars?

ni ye ceng jing cang zhe yi ke tou ming de xin ma

Did you once hold a transparent heart?

最不经意的话 没关心的表达

zui bu jing yi de hua mei guan xin de biao da

The most casual words, unspoken feelings,

没发现啊 这世界悄悄染上烟霞

mei fa xian a zhe shi jie qiao qiao ran shang yan xia

Unnoticed, the world subtly paints with hues.


xin shi zi you pian xian zai ye li de die

A heart, a butterfly dancing freely in the night,


bu bi shu yu na ge Ta

Belonging to no one.

不如关上灯吧 去海角天涯

bu ru guan shang deng ba qu hai jiao tian ya

Let’s turn off the lights, escape to the ends of the earth,

先贴近彼此呼吸 灵魂的门铃响起

xian tie jin bi ci hu xi ling hun de men ling xiang qi

Breathing close, the soul’s doorbell rings.

你见过海浪吗 你爱着星空吗

ni jian guo hai lang ma ni ai zhe xing kong ma

Have you seen the waves? Do you love the stars?


ni ye ceng jing cang zhe yi ke tou ming de xin ma

Did you once hold a transparent heart?

我们的世界啊 有不同的繁华

wo men de shi jie a you bu tong de fan hua

Our worlds, different splendors,

可你懂吧 我也想有一个怀抱呀

ke ni dong ba wo ye xiang you yi ge huai bao ya

But you understand, I want a hug too.

hai pa bei tan ting de nei xin

A heart afraid of being probed,


qiao qiao da kai yi dao feng xi

Quietly opens a crack,


you yue guang zuan jin le xin di

Moonlight spills into my soul.


ru guo ai liu lang de feng jing

If you love the wandering scenery,


huo xu bu bi du zi qian hang

Perhaps we don’t need to journey alone.


wo yi zhi zai zhe li deng ni

I’ve been waiting for you here.

让我们靠近吧 在灿烂的盛夏

rang wo men kao jin ba zai can lan de sheng xia

Let’s draw closer, in the radiant summer,

奔跑在那 银色沙滩的月亮底下

ben pao zai na yin se sha tan de yue liang di xia

Running under the moon on the silver beach.

请向我走来吧 都不许再害怕

qing xiang wo zou lai ba dou bu xu zai hai pa

Please come to me, don’t be afraid anymore.

说好了呀 这次就把彼此抓紧了
shuo hao le ya zhe ci jiu ba bi ci zhua jin le

We agreed, this time, we’ll hold each other tight.

zai yi ci kan zhe ni yan jing

Looking into your eyes again,


wo zhi dao ni ye hen que ding

I know you’re sure too,


bu hui zai gu du di fei hang

We won’t fly alone anymore.


an xin de nuan xin de ning jing

Peaceful, warm, tranquil,


shou zhe ni yi fang xiao tian di

Guarding our little world.

你知道我心里 有你

ni zhi dao wo xin li you ni

You know, in my heart, you’re there.


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