• 曲 Composer:吳青峰 Qing Feng Wu / 劉家凱 Kay Liu
  • 詞 Lyricist:程偉豪 Wei Hao Cheng / 吳青峰 Qing Feng Wu


這裡天氣在下雨 你那裡晴空萬里

zhe li tian qi zai xia yu  ni na li qing kong wan li

it’s raining here, But clear sky over there

鏡中的你 有點怪奇 哎~~~~

jing zhong de ni  you dian guai qi  ai ~~~~

Looking at you in the mirror. You do seem a little weird. Aye~~~~


我倆的存在主義 有交集也有平行

wo liang de cun zai zhu yi  you jiao ji ye you ping hang

Existentialism defines us. Intersection and parallel both exist

行或不行 是哲學問題 哎~~~~

hang huo bu hang  shi zhe xue wen ti  ai ~~~~

To be or not to be.  It’s a philosophical question. Aye~~~~


我在幹什麼 我是誰 我在哪裡

wo zai gan shi me  wo shi shui  wo zai na li

What am I? Who am I? Where am I?


喔唉呀唉呀 唉呀呀 靈魂出竅這個邏輯

wo ai ya ai ya  ai ya ya  ling hun chu qiao zhe ge luo ji

Oh Aiya Aiya Aiyaya. The logic of out-of-body experience

喔唉呀唉呀 唉呀呀 泡一杯人蔘壓壓驚

wo ai ya ai ya  ai ya ya  pao yi bei ren shen ya ya jing

Oh Aiya Aiya Aiyaya. Calm my nerves with a cup of ginseng tea


虛虛實實虛虛 太極能生兩儀 沙丁魚沾蜂蜜

xu xu shi shi xu xu  tai ji neng sheng liang yi  sha ding yu zhan feng mi

Illusion or reality. Tai chi balancing Ying Yang. Sardines goes with honey

別只顧丟問句 答案在我和你 凡事別再騷擾上帝

bie zhi gu diu wen ju  da an zai wo he ni  fan shi bie zai sao rao shang di

Stop throwing questions. Finding the answer in you and me. Give the Man above a break


生命各種選擇題 改變或留在原地

sheng ming ge zhong xuan ze ti  gai bian huo liu zai yuan di 

Life is full of choices. Either adjust or stay put

金銀斧頭 不能都擁有 哎~~~~

jin yin fu tou  bu neng dou yong you  ai ~~~~

Gold or Silver axes cannot have them all. Aye~~~~


我在幹什麼 我是誰 我在哪裡

wo zai gan shi me  wo shi shui  wo zai na li

What am I? Who am I? Where am I?


喔唉呀唉呀 唉呀呀 靈魂出竅這個東西

wo ai ya ai ya  ai ya ya  ling hun chu qiao zhe ge dong xi

Oh Aiya Aiya Aiyaya. The logic of out-of-body experience

喔唉呀唉呀 唉呀呀 泡一杯人蔘壓壓驚

wo ai ya ai ya  ai ya ya  pao yi bei ren shen ya ya jing

Oh Aiya Aiya Aiyaya. Calm my nerves with a cup of ginseng tea

喔唉呀唉呀 唉呀呀 昨日有如夢幻泡影

wo ai ya ai ya  ai ya ya  zuo ri you ru meng huan pao ying

Oh Aiya Aiya Aiyaya. Yesterday felt like bubbles of dreams

喔唉呀唉呀 唉呀呀 今日一鍵重來開機

wo ai ya ai ya  ai ya ya  jin ri yi jian zhong lai kai ji

Oh Aiya Aiya Aiya ya. Today we begin with the restart button


虛虛實實虛虛 八卦在打太極 風雨前的寧靜

xu xu shi shi xu xu  ba gua zai da tai ji  feng yu qian de ning jing

Illusion or reality. Baqua challenges Tai chi. The calm before the storm.

無論過與不及 就選擇做自己 先讓我睡到自然醒

wu lun guo yu bu ji  jiu xuan ze zuo zi ji  xian rang wo shui dao zi ran xing

Overdone or undone. Just let me be myself. Just let me sleep in


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