我不想要说太多 也不能说太少

wo bu xiang yao shuo tai duo  ye bu neng shuo tai shao

I don’t want to say too much and I can’t say too little

What a really weird world that we’re living in

又不能说太多 也不能说太少

you bu neng shuo tai duo  ye bu neng shuo tai shao

And I can’t say too much or too little

I just wanna be free

I just wanna be me


又到了这个时刻 灵感又来了

you dao le zhe ge shi ke  ling gan you lai le

It’s that time again, the inspiration comes again

感觉世界是我的 好像时间消失了 享受着

gan jiao shi jie shi wo de  hao xiang shi jian xiao shi le  xiang shou zhe

I feel like the world is mine, like time has disappeared, enjoying

伦敦的海洋 加州的阳光

lun dun de hai yang  jia zhou de yang guang

The ocean in London, the sun in California.

巴黎的铁塔 和日本白色的雪场

ba li de tie ta  he ri ben bai se de xue chang

The tower in Paris and the white snow fields in Japan


ting wo shuo

Listen to me



什么都是罪 什么都不对 什么都好累

shi me dou shi zui  shi me dou bu dui  shi me dou hao lei

Everything is a sin, everything is wrong, everything is exhausting.

要怎么进步 要怎么清楚

yao zen me jin bu  yao zen me qing chu

How to get better How to get clear

上帝安排你走的路 yeah

shang di an pai ni zou de lu  yeah

The path that God has set you on yeah


敢 dream 就是你的

gan  dream jiu shi ni de

Dare to dream is your

Actions 才会获得

Actions cai hui huo de

Actions are the only way to get


huang guan shi yao duo de

The crown is to be won

This is how I flew humble winning crew


我不想要说太多 也不能说太少

wo bu xiang yao shuo tai duo  ye bu neng shuo tai shao

I don’t want to say too much and I can’t say too little

What a really weird world that we’re living in

又不能说太多 也不能说太少

you bu neng shuo tai duo  ye bu neng shuo tai shao

I can’t say too much and I can’t say too little

I just wanna be free

I just wanna be me



wo dui wo wei lai de wo hai shi yi yang

I still imagine the same thing about my future me

保持一样的想像 但始终从未遗忘

bao chi yi yang de xiang xiang  dan shi zhong cong wei yi wang

Keeping the same imagination but never forgetting

拥有着谦虚的态度 敢赌别认输

yong you zhe qian xu de tai du  gan du bie ren shu

With a humble attitude Don’t admit defeat when you dare to bet


wo bu tai hui du shu

I don’t know how to read

但有胆走自己的路 yeah

dan you dan zou zi ji de lu  yeah

But have the guts to go my own way yeah


成功不是给的 从零我去夺得 跑车自己买的

cheng gong bu shi gei de  cong ling wo qu duo de  pao che zi ji mai de
I didn’t get my success from zero, I bought my own sports car

从一百个人到万人 都来听我唱歌

cong yi bai ge ren dao wan ren  dou lai ting wo chang ge

From a hundred to ten thousand people come to hear me sing

说蓝色是你爱的颜色 你好不好我都会记得

shuo lan se shi ni ai de yan se  ni hao bu hao wo dou hui ji de

Say blue is the color you love I’ll remember if you’re good

Yeah, this is how I flew humble winning crew


我不想要说太多 也不能说太少

wo bu xiang yao shuo tai duo  ye bu neng shuo tai shao

I don’t want to say too much and I can’t say too little

What a really weird world that we’re living in

又不能说太多 也不能说太少

you bu neng shuo tai duo  ye bu neng shuo tai shao

I can’t say too much and I can’t say too little

I just wanna be free

I just wanna be me


我不想要说太多 也不能说太少

wo bu xiang yao shuo tai duo  ye bu neng shuo tai shao

I don’t want to say too much and I can’t say too little

What a really weird world that we’re living in

又不能说太多 也不能说太少

you bu neng shuo tai duo  ye bu neng shuo tai shao

I can’t say too much and I can’t say too little

I just wanna be free

I just wanna be me


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