
wo bu xiang cheng wei na ge yao ni gai bian zi si de ta

I do not want to become the one who asks you to change selfishly

我不想成為那個讓你悲傷 多過快樂的她

wo bu xiang cheng wei na ge rang ni bei shang duo guo kuai le de ta

I do not want to become the one who makes you sadder than happy

沒有人告訴過我 該怎麼去愛 才算透徹明白

mei you ren gao su guo wo gai zen me qu ai cai suan tou che ming bai

No one has told me how to love thoroughly

沒有人告訴過我 相遇即是分開

mei you ren gao su guo wo xiang yu ji shi fen kai

No one told me that meeting is parting

也許我們是在意外中偶然 碰巧相愛

ye xu wo men shi zai yi wai zhong ou ran peng qiao xiang ai

Perhaps we accidentally fell in love unexpectedly

也許偶然是要我們在未來 學會釋懷

ye xu ou ran shi yao wo men zai wei lai xue hui shi huai

Perhaps by chance we will learn to let go in the future

我的愛 讓我再看一看 你的臉龐

wo de ai rang wo zai kan yi kan ni de lian pang

My love, let me see your face again

當我不再問 失去是捨不得

dang wo bu zai wen shi qu shi she bu de

When I no longer ask, it is hard to give up

我的愛 讓我再從頭到尾 把你的好 數遍忘懷

wo de ai rang wo zai cong tou dao wei ba ni de hao shu bian wang huai

My love, let me count your goodness from beginning to end and forget it

用一首歌的時間 去原諒

yong yi shou ge de shi jian qu yuan liang

Use the time of a song to forgive

也許我們是在意外中偶然 碰巧相愛

ye xu wo men shi zai yi wai zhong ou ran peng qiao xiang ai

Perhaps we accidentally fell in love unexpectedly

也許偶然是要我們在未來 學會釋懷

ye xu ou ran shi yao wo men zai wei lai xue hui shi huai

Perhaps by chance we will learn to let go in the future

沒有人告訴過我 該怎麼去愛 才算透徹明白

mei you ren gao su guo wo gai zen me qu ai cai suan tou che ming bai

No one has told me how to love thoroughly

沒有人告訴過我 相遇即是 分開

mei you ren gao su guo wo xiang yu ji shi fen kai

No one told me that meeting is parting

我的愛 讓我再 看一看你的臉龐

wo de ai rang wo zai kan yi kan ni de lian pang

My love, let me see your face again

當我不再問失去 是捨不得

dang wo bu zai wen shi qu shi she bu de

When I no longer ask, it is hard to give up

我的愛讓我再 從頭到尾 把你的好數遍忘懷

wo de ai rang wo zai cong tou dao wei ba ni de hao shu bian wang huai

My love, let me count your goodness from beginning to end and forget it


yong yi shou ge de shi jian

Use the time of a song

用一首歌的時間 去原諒

yong yi shou ge de shi jian qu yuan liang

Use the time of a song to forgive

不後悔不計較償還 再一次也願意 為你存在

bu hou hui bu ji jiao chang hai zai yi ci ye yuan yi wei ni cun zai

Do not regret, do not care about repayment, willing to exist for you again

也許我們 是在意外中偶然 碰巧相愛

ye xu wo men shi zai yi wai zhong ou ran peng qiao xiang ai

Perhaps we accidentally fell in love unexpectedly

也許分開 是為了讓 我們 哪天相遇重來

ye xu fen kai shi wei le rang wo men na tian xiang yu zhong lai

Perhaps parting is to let us meet again someday


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