
yan jing wang ji le er duo
The eyes have forgotten the ears


da nao wang ji le zi gong

The brain has forgotten the womb

理性 忘了情感叫做什么

li xing wang le qing gan jiao zuo shi me

Reason has forgotten what emotion is called


gong zuo wang ji le sheng huo

Work has forgotten life


jia ge wang ji le chu zhong

Price has forgotten the original intention
眼泪 忘了希望叫做什么

yan lei wang le xi wang jiao zuo shi me

Tears have forgotten what hope is called

Do you still remember how to live
Do you miss the way you used to sing


chao za de meng suan shi meng ma

Is the noisy dream still a dream?

热闹 却还是寂寞的夜晚

re nao que hai shi ji mo de ye wan

Lively, yet still a lonely night

你说 怎么 越努力 却越无法动弹

ni shuo zen me yue nu li que yue wu fa dong dan

You say, the harder you try, the more you’re unable to move


fu za de ai suan shi ai ma

Is the complex love still love?

你还听得见 你的快乐吗

ni hai ting de jian ni de kuai le ma

Can you still hear your happiness?

你有 没有 想过

ni you mei you xiang guo

Have you ever thought


rang ren sheng geng jian dan

Of making life simpler


yan jing wang ji le er duo

The eyes have forgotten the ears


da nao wang ji le zi gong

The brain has forgotten the womb

理性 忘了情感叫做什么
li xing wang le qing gan jiao zuo shi me

Reason has forgotten what emotion is called


yu wang kun zhu le zi you

Desire has confined freedom


ya li ma mu le gan shou

Pressure has numbed the senses

快乐 成为疏远的旧朋友

kuai le cheng wei shu yuan de jiu peng you

Happiness has become a distant old friend

Do you still remember how to live
Do you miss the way you used to sing


chao za de meng suan shi meng ma

Is the noisy dream still a dream?

热闹 却还是寂寞的夜晚

re nao que hai shi ji mo de ye wan

Lively, yet still a lonely night

你说 怎么 越努力 却越无法动弹

ni shuo zen me yue nu li que yue wu fa dong dan

You say, the harder you try, the more you’re unable to move


fu za de ai suan shi ai ma

Is the complex love still love?

你还听得见 你的快乐吗

ni hai ting de jian ni de kuai le ma

Can you still hear your happiness?

你有 没有 想过
ni you mei you xiang guo

Have you ever thought

rang ren sheng geng jian dan

Of making life simpler

Lalala Lalalala

你很好 世界也不坏

ni hen hao shi jie ye bu huai

You’re good, the world is not bad either

只要你 重新找回轻快

zhi yao ni zhong xin zhao hui qing kuai

As long as you find your lightheartedness again



chao za de meng suan shi meng ma

Is the noisy dream still a dream?

热闹 却还是寂寞的夜晚

re nao que hai shi ji mo de ye wan

Lively, yet still a lonely night

你说 怎么 越努力 却越无法动弹

ni shuo zen me yue nu li que yue wu fa dong dan

You say, the harder you try, the more you’re unable to move


fu za de ai suan shi ai ma

Is the complex love still love?

你还听得见 你的快乐吗

ni hai ting de jian ni de kuai le ma

Can you still hear your happiness?

你有 没有 想过
ni you mei you xiang guo

Have you ever thought


rang ren sheng geng jian dan

Of making life simpler


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