Lyrics for: Beauty Of Defect -Que Han Mei 缺憾美


chuan yue le wu jin de mi wu

Through the endless nist

才看清楚 這一路我飛行了多遠

cai kan qing chu  zhe yi lu wo fei hang le duo yuan

To see how far I have flown.


yao duo me shen ke de ling wu

What a profound understanding

才懂得 學會自我保護

cai dong de  xue hui zi wo bao hu

I learned to protect myself.

選擇對這個世界 說一聲諒解

xuan ze dui zhe ge shi jie  shuo yi sheng liang jie

Choose to say a word of understanding to the world


kuai le bei shang dou hui shi wo yong you zhen gui de yi qie

Happiness and sorrow will be all that I have.



wo bu xu yao hai ku shi lan

I don’t need the “forever”.


zhi shi yao jian dan de an quan gan

Just a simple sense of security.

渴望著 等待著 未來駛向下一站

ke wang zhe  deng dai zhe  wei lai shi xiang xia yi zhan

Longing to wait for the future to drive to the next stop

幸福只要能夠勇敢 不用完美就算圓滿

xing fu zhi yao neng gou yong gan  bu yong wan mei jiu suan yuan man

Happiness is perfect as long as you can not be brave


yan lei shi zui mei li de que han

Tears are the most beautiful thing.



chuan yue le wu jin de mi wu

Through the endless nist

才看清楚 這一路我飛行了多遠

cai kan qing chu  zhe yi lu wo fei hang le duo yuan

To see how far I have flown.


yao duo me shen ke de ling wu

What a profound understanding

才懂得 學會自我保護

cai dong de  xue hui zi wo bao hu

I learned to protect myself.

選擇對這個世界 說一聲諒解

xuan ze dui zhe ge shi jie  shuo yi sheng liang jie

Choose to say a word of understanding to the world


kuai le bei shang dou hui shi wo yong you zhen gui de yi qie

Happiness and sorrow will be all that I have.



wo bu xu yao hai ku shi lan

I don’t need the “forever”.


zhi shi yao jian dan de an quan gan

Just a simple sense of security.

渴望著 等待著 未來駛向下一站

ke wang zhe  deng dai zhe  wei lai shi xiang xia yi zhan

Longing to wait for the future to drive to the next stop

幸福只要能夠勇敢 不用完美就算圓滿

xing fu zhi yao neng gou yong gan  bu yong wan mei jiu suan yuan man

Happiness is perfect as long as you can not be brave


yan lei shi zui mei li de que han

Tears are the most beautiful imperfection.


幸福只要能夠勇敢 任何時候都不會晚

xing fu zhi yao neng gou yong gan  ren he shi hou dou bu hui wan

Happiness can never be too late as long as you can be brave


gan xie zhe me mei li de que han

Thank you for such a beautiful imperfection


yi ding hui rang xing fu geng can lan

Will make happiness more brilliant


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