你来过 你走

ni lai guo ni zou

You have come, you have gone

我爱过 我痛
wo ai guo wo tong

I have loved, I have hurt

无法拥抱的你 让我坠落

wu fa yong bao de ni rang wo zhui luo

The you I can’t embrace makes me fall

我试著 向你走去

wo shi zhe xiang ni zou qu

I try to walk towards you

才发现 你早默默在我身后

cai fa xian ni zao mo mo zai wo shen hou

Only to find you silently behind me

彷彿黑夜与白昼 主宰天空

pang fu hei ye yu bai zhou zhu zai tian kong
As if night and day rule the sky

故事的尽头 到底在哪裡?

gu shi de jin tou dao di zai na li ?

Where exactly is the end of the story?

是不是爱情 由谁来界定?

shi bu shi ai qing you shui lai jie ding ?

Is love defined by anyone?

那样的亲密 没有人能代替

na yang de qin mi mei you ren neng dai ti

Such closeness, no one can replace

我们的相遇 如银河的轨跡

wo men de xiang yu ru yin he de gui ji

Our meeting, like the Milky Way’s path

不能迥避 像这一场大雨

bu neng jiong bi xiang zhe yi chang da yu

Can’t avoid it, like this pouring rain

我们的青春 如定格的时间

wo men de qing chun ru ding ge de shi jian

Our youth, like frozen time

此刻永恆 我向著你狂奔

ci ke yong heng wo xiang zhe ni kuang ben

This moment eternal, I run towards you

在黑暗谷底 你会接住我的心

zai hei an gu di ni hui jie zhu wo de xin

In the valley of darkness, you’ll catch my heart

谁也在逃避 命中的注定?

shui ye zai tao bi ming zhong de zhu ding ?

Who can escape what is destined?

最远的距离 不是我爱你

zui yuan de ju li bu shi wo ai ni

The farthest distance is not “I love you”

是我在这裡 你却不敢靠近
shi wo zai zhe li ni que bu gan kao jin

It’s that I’m here, but you don’t dare come near

我们的相遇 如银河的轨跡

wo men de xiang yu ru yin he de gui ji

Our meeting, like the Milky Way’s path

不能迥避 像这一场大雨

bu neng jiong bi xiang zhe yi chang da yu

Can’t avoid it, like this pouring rain

我们的青春 如定格的时间

wo men de qing chun ru ding ge de shi jian

Our youth, like frozen time

此刻永恆 我向著你狂奔

ci ke yong heng wo xiang zhe ni kuang ben

This moment eternal, I run towards you

现在 让我们自由的飞吧

xian zai rang wo men zi you de fei ba

Now, let us fly freely

现在 让我们尽情的爱吧

xian zai rang wo men jin qing de ai ba

Now, let us love wholeheartedly

现在 你终於是我

xian zai ni zhong yu shi wo

Now, you are finally mine


wo zhong yu shi ni

I am finally yours

我们的相遇 如银河的轨跡

wo men de xiang yu ru yin he de gui ji
Our meeting, like the Milky Way’s path

不能迥避 像这一场大雨

bu neng jiong bi xiang zhe yi chang da yu
Can’t avoid it, like this pouring rain

我们的青春 如定格的时间

wo men de qing chun ru ding ge de shi jian

Our youth, like frozen time

此刻永恆 我向著你狂奔

ci ke yong heng wo xiang zhe ni kuang ben

This moment eternal, I run towards you

在黑暗谷底 你会接住我的心

zai hei an gu di ni hui jie zhu wo de xin

In the valley of darkness, you’ll catch my heart


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