何時我的天 變了天 末日片 在上演

he shi wo de tian  bian le tian  mo ri pian  zai shang yan

When did my day change and the doomsday movie was on?

何時自由 的滋味 剩照片 能懷念

he shi zi you  de zi wei  sheng zhao pian  neng huai nian

When is the taste of freedom left to be remembered by photos?

何時想念 誰的臉 只能用視訊相見 多卑微

he shi xiang nian  shui de lian  zhi neng yong shi xun xiang jian  duo bei wei

When do I miss, whose face I can only see by video?


拉起封鎖線 怎防備 那無解 的病源

la qi feng suo xian  zen fang bei  na wu jie  de bing yuan

How can I protect myself from the unexplained disease by putting up a blockade?

戴上口罩 怎隔絕 傳播恨 的口水

dai shang kou zhao  zen ge jue  chuan bo hen  de kou shui

How can I put on a mask to stop the spit of hate?

是否失控 的人類 才是地球的肺炎 多可悲

shi fou shi kong  de ren lei  cai shi di qiu de fei yan  duo ke bei

How can we stop the pneumonia of the earth from getting out of control?


幸運的人們 逃過一劫 倖存的人哪 能否學會

xing yun de ren men  tao guo yi jie  xing cun de ren na  neng fou xue hui

The lucky ones have escaped.

放下成見 不再互懟 我們是最 渺小的同類

fang xia cheng jian  bu zai hu dui  wo men shi zui  miao xiao de tong lei

To put aside our prejudices and stop fighting each other.


困在這 顛顛倒倒 的世界 顛顛倒倒 的是非 怎麼活才對

kun zai zhe  dian dian dao dao  de shi jie  dian dian dao dao  de shi fei  zen me huo cai dui

Trapped in this upside-down world, with its upside-down rights and wrongs, how can we live?

我在這 顛顛倒倒 的世界 顛顛倒倒 的一切 什麼最珍貴

wo zai zhe  dian dian dao dao  de shi jie  dian dian dao dao  de yi qie  shi me zui zhen gui

I’m in this upside-down world, and everything is upside-down, and what is most precious?

當日常也 難能可貴 當生活剩 生離死別

dang ri chang ye  nan neng ke gui  dang sheng huo sheng  sheng li si bie

When everyday is precious, when life is a parting of life and death

你在這 顛顛倒倒的今天 回憶 哪個美好昨天

ni zai zhe  dian dian dao dao de jin tian  hui yi  na ge mei hao zuo tian

In this upside-down world today, which of the good old days do you recall?


何時海岸線 蓋核電 大樓取代 平原

he shi hai an xian  gai he dian  da lou qu dai  ping yuan

When did the coastline, the nuclear power, the buildings replace the plains

何時冰山 融成水 北極熊 在嗚咽

he shi bing shan  rong cheng shui  bei ji xiong  zai wu yan

When did the icebergs melt into water and the polar bears whimper?

何時浩劫 在肆虐 誰啊還在冷氣間 睡香甜

he shi hao jie  zai si nue  shui a hai zai leng qi jian  shui xiang tian

When is the catastrophe raging? Who is still sleeping in the air conditioner?


地球一邊 戰火又 摧毀誰家園 又是誰 埋在瓦礫堆

di qiu yi bian  zhan huo you  cui hui shui jia yuan  you shi shui  mai zai wa li dui

Who is buried in the rubble and whose home is destroyed by the war on the other side of the earth?

不過是 誰飯後消遣 多無所謂

bu guo shi  shui fan hou xiao qian  duo wu suo wei

It’s just a fun after dinner, it doesn’t matter

新聞點 沒爆點 沒人會點  沒見血 沒人寫 Nobody cares

xin wen dian  mei bao dian  mei ren hui dian   mei jian xue  mei ren xie  Nobody cares

No news, no one knows, no blood, no one writes, no one cares.

像兩個 平行世界

xiang liang ge  ping hang shi jie

Like two parallel worlds


困在這 顛顛倒倒 的世界 顛顛倒倒 的是非 怎麼活才對

kun zai zhe  dian dian dao dao  de shi jie  dian dian dao dao  de shi fei  zen me huo cai dui

Trapped in this upside-down world, with its upside-down rights and wrongs, how can we live?

我在這 顛顛倒倒 的世界 顛顛倒倒 的一切 什麼最珍貴

wo zai zhe  dian dian dao dao  de shi jie  dian dian dao dao  de yi qie  shi me zui zhen gui

I’m in this upside-down world, and everything is upside-down, and what is most precious?

當日常也 難能可貴 當生活剩 生離死別

dang ri chang ye  nan neng ke gui  dang sheng huo sheng  sheng li si bie

When everyday is precious, when life is a parting of life and death

你在這 顛顛倒倒 的今天 期待 怎麼樣的明天

ni zai zhe  dian dian dao dao  de jin tian  qi dai  zen me yang de ming tian

What kind of tomorrow are you expecting in this upside-down world today?


顛倒 的伊甸 妄念像吃 buffet
dian dao  de yi dian  wang nian xiang chi  buffet

The upside-down Eden, where delusions are like eating buffet

顛倒 的樂園 資源通通 剝削

dian dao  de le yuan  zi yuan tong tong  bao xue

The upside-down paradise where all resources are stripped away

顛倒 的人間 整得最美 心最黑 最魔鬼

dian dao  de ren jian  zheng de zui mei  xin zui hei  zui mo gui

The upside down world is the most beautiful, the darkest, the most devilish


當此刻 顛顛倒倒 的世界 點點滴滴 在幻滅 回不去從前

dang ci ke  dian dian dao dao  de shi jie  dian dian di di  zai huan mie  hui bu qu cong qian

At this moment, the upside-down world is being disillusioned, and we can’t go back to the past.

才了解 我們怪罪 的天譴 我們自豪 的優越 全是自作孽

cai le jie  wo men guai zui  de tian qian  wo men zi hao  de you yue  quan shi zi zuo nie

Only then do we realize that the condemnation we blame on God, the superiority we are proud of, is all self-inflicted.

繼續這首 末日預言 或是改寫 明日章節

ji xu zhe shou  mo ri yu yan  huo shi gai xie  ming ri zhang jie

Continue this prophecy of doom or rewrite tomorrow’s chapter

何時在 顛顛倒倒 的今天 正視錯誤 的昨天

he shi zai  dian dian dao dao  de jin tian  zheng shi cuo wu  de zuo tian

When will we face up to the mistakes of yesterday in the confusion of today?

不再只 期待明天 顛倒這 顛倒世界

bu zai zhi  qi dai ming tian  dian dao zhe  dian dao shi jie

No more looking forward only to tomorrow to turn this upside down world upside down


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