Drama Title: Hanzawa Naoki Season 2 (半沢直樹2)
Origin: Japan
Release Date: July 19, 2020
Episodes: 10
Unconventional banker Hanzawa Naoki, has been successful in exposing numerous irregularities at his bank, the Tokyo Chuo Banking Corporation. As a result, he is seconded to the Tokyo Central Securities (TCS) , to head their Corporate Development Department. Soon after, the TCS is involved with a hostile takeover by a large IT company. With the share purchase price expected to surpass a 100 billion yen, it is a deal worth an unprecedented amount to TCS. Unbeknownst to Hanzawa , the bid will incite a competition war with a new bank. Will he be able to overcome the problems plaguing the TSC and inflict twice the pain on those making unreasonable demands?
- Sakai Masato as Hanzawa Naoki
- Ueto Aya as Hanzawa Hana