- Drama Title: Miss Chun Is a Litigator 春家小姐是讼师
- Origin: China
- Release Date: Mar 24, 2023
- Episodes: 20
Set in the Tang dynasty, the story revolves around Chun Tu Mi, daughter of a military household, who sets out to clear her father's name who was wrongly imprisoned. She becomes a renowned attorney; helping the poor to stand up against the rich and powerful, solving various difficult cases, and also willingly become a political chess piece for the Emperor. She wins the admiration of Crown Prince Han Wu Wei, Dali Teple's official Zheng Yuan, and A Su Rui, a prince of an ethnic kingdom. Who will she choose?
- Sabrina Zhuang as Chun Tu Mi
- Huang Jun Jie as Ye Cha
- Fan Zhi Xin as Han Wu Wei
- Zhu Lin Yu as A Yi Li
- Qin Tian as Kang Zheng Yuan
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