Drama Title: Mei Ren Mou Lu 美人谋律
Origin: China
Release Date: 2021
Episodes: 40
The drama is set during the Tang dynasty. The story revolves around Chun Chami, daughter of a military household, who sets out to clear her father's name. She uses her knowledge of the law to fight for her father's innocence. Through her journey she becomes a renowned attorney; helping the poor to stand up against the rich and powerful, solving various difficult cases and also willingly become a political chess piece for the Emperor. At the same time, she wins the admiration of future Crown Prince Han Wuwei, Dali Teple's official Zheng Yuan and A Surui, a prince of the ethnic kingdom.
- Huang Junjie as A Su Rui
- Sabrina Zhuang as Chun Cha Mi