- Drama Title: Abyss Walker 深渊行者
- Origin: China
- Release Date: TBA
- Episodes: 39
A story that revolves around real stories and undercover efforts of the Chinese narcotics enforcement agency.
Gao Huai Yuan is a former undercover cop who has shifted to traffic duty after returning to service. He inadvertently witnesses his friend Wei Feng being killed during an operation. Gao Huai Yuan vows to resume his work as an undercover to get to the bottom of the truth. With the help of inspector general Fang Qing Long and Zheng Qing Hao, Wei Feng's widow and an intelligence agent herself, Gao Huai Yuan infiltrates the drug syndicate to begin his investigation, thus beginning a deadly battle between cop and criminal.
- Zhai Tian Lin 翟天临 as Gao Huai Yuan
- Zhang Li as Zheng Qing Hao
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