Saiki (彩姫), Atsumi Saiki (厚見彩姫) is a female Japanese artist. She is the lead vocalist for the Japanese girl group Band-Maid.
Interesting Facts:
Stage Name: Saiki (彩姫)
Birth Name: Atsumi Saiki (厚見彩姫)
Position: Lead Vocalist
Birthday: February 8th, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 163 cm (5’4′)
Born: Yamanashi, Japan.
– Members describe her as sometimes harsh and distant, but kind of like a princess.
– She joined the band through an audition.
– She has been singing solo since she was 14.
– She would sometimes sing and dance as well as perform as part of a back-up band.
– Her debut performance with BAND-MAID was on August 22, 2013.
– She believes that the music video for ”Real Existence” is the perfect reprensentation of BAND-MAID.
– She has a cat named Raku.
– She is a big fan of Sailor Moon.
– She occasionally attends horse racing with Miku, where she likes to place bets.
– She enjoys shopping as well as getting her nails done