- Stage Name: Heesun (희선)
- Real Name: Park Hee Sun (박희선)
- Birthday: January 25, 2005
- Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
- Height: 165 cm (5’4″)
- Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs)
- Blood Type: O
- Sub Unit: Sugar Powder
- Representative Color: Yellow
- Instagram: @heesun_0125
-Her hobby is eating jelly.
-Her special talent is Taekwondo.
-Heesun is the mood maker.
-Recently Heesun has been listening to Beautiful Moment by K.Will.
-She is a former Monstergram Inc trainee and is close with Busters members.
-Heesun was a member of CutieL for a short amount of time in 2014/15.
-When Heesun smiles, more than 20 of her teeth show.
-Can wrap her arm around and touch her belly button because of her long arms and slim waist.
-Can do an impression of Bruce Lee’s facial expressions.
-Can put her foot behind her neck.
-Been doing taekwondo since the age of six.
-Her favorite food is gummies.
-Heesun would like to go on Knowing Brothers.
-Heesun has left the group as of October 18th for depression and anxiety.
-She’s now a member of MyDoll Girls.