The fellowship party was over. Lu Dajiang and his brothers packed up and went out to have supper. However, they suddenly noticed a man in a raincoat in the distance following two girls. The three of them seemed to realize what Lele was doing. That person is most likely the gangster exhibitionist from before! The three of them immediately decided to follow up to see what was going on. The two girls in front did not realize that something was wrong at all. The three of them immediately seized the opportunity and dealt with the person in three moves. After seeing the true face of the person, the three of them immediately Everyone was shocked!

The announcement that the exhibitionist was caught was posted on the bulletin board in the factory the next day. Qin Juan saw it and told Bai Lan, saying that Bai Lan can rest assured in the future, and that Bai Lan was wronged by Lu Xiaolu before. She said she understood, and Bai Lan also told Qin Juan that she could move back and live in the guest house all the time. Qin Juan said she was not happy, but she still knew in her heart that Bai Lan was always thinking about her. The diplomatic team from the Second Lighting Bureau is about to leave, which means that Bai Lan's translation work is over. Bai Lan has compiled the information and is preparing to return to the food factory, but Director Bi has begun to care about Bai Lan's physical condition. It turns out that during the Mid-Autumn Festival After Bailan left in the evening, Bi Zhigang gave Director Bi the reason that Bailan was not feeling well. Director Bi then said that Bai Lan should take good care of her health, otherwise she would not be able to take on important responsibilities at work in the future! Bailan was surprised when she heard this, because Director Bi was talking about the future! Director Bi no longer hid it, and said frankly that Bai Lan had been very serious about his work recently, and finally decided to give the commissioned training spot to Bai Lan. Bai Lan was very happy!

Lu Dajiang was also talking to Lu Xiaolu about this matter. It turned out that the exhibitionist was Ding Dezhong's son. Everyone didn't know what was going on. After all, Ding Dezhong was showing off that his son was a soldier some time ago. Why now? It popped up, and there was mental illness? Everyone couldn't help but begin to suspect that his mental illness certificate was probably the same as Afang's fake mental illness certificate at the time. Lu Dajiang couldn't sit still when he heard it. After speaking, he stood up to leave, saying that he would take care of this matter to the end! Lu Dajiang then went to the food factory. At this time, the police were preparing to take people to the mental hospital. Ding Dezhong's family was still trying to persuade them to stay. Lu Dajiang helped the police. Ding Dezhong hated Lu Dajiang very much.

Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan chatted together. Lu Xiaolu was concerned about why Bai Lan didn't go to work. Bai Lan said that she didn't want to be a cadre or a factory doctor. Lu Xiaolu asked her what she wanted to do, and Bai Lan said that she was afraid that Fucheng wouldn't be able to accommodate her. dream! After Lu Xiaolu listened to Bai Lan, he went to the theater. There, Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan talked about their previous affairs. The two also recited Haiyan together. After the atmosphere was in place, Lu Xiaolu expressed his feelings, but Bai Lan did not give it. He didn't respond, but turned around and left. Lu Xiaolu just followed quietly.

Li Guangnan was working at the skating rink and noticed that drinking milk tea was very popular recently. He specially prepared it for Qin Juan after work. Unexpectedly, he actually ran into Qin Juan. Qin Juan apologized for her behavior that day, but Li Guangnan said that Qin Juan was Worthy of the best, she also handed the milk tea to Qin Juan, and the relationship between the two also improved. Qin Juan also told Li Guangnan to give way to Dajiang and pay more attention to Ding Dezhong. Ding Dezhong was a very vengeful person. After Li Guangnan went back, he gave Lu Xiaolu milk tea to drink. Lu Xiaolu complained directly about the blended milk tea. Li Guangnan suddenly came up with an idea, which was Lu Xiaolu's research and development, Li Guangnan's sales, and Long Legs soliciting customers. The three of them would start their own business together. Create a milk tea stall and sell it at the entrance of the skating rink, which will definitely attract a lot of people!

Bai Lan was about to write a letter telling Lu Xiaolu that she was going to Shanghai for graduate school. Qin Juan saw it and asked Bai Lan if she would come back. Bai Lan said she didn't know. The next day Bai Lan went to deliver the letter. Lu Xiaolu was busy studying the milk tea, so Bai Lan put the letter in Niu Xiaoying's lunch box! Lu Xiaolu worked hard and started selling it soon, but he didn't expect that everyone got food poisoning because of the milk that was about to expire. Bai Lan came over in time and sent everyone to the infirmary! After finishing their work, Bai Lan asked Lu Xiaolu what he wanted to say. Lu Xiaolu didn't know what Bai Lan was going to say. He only asked Bai Lan if he really didn't like her. Bai Lan said she didn't like him, but Lu Xiaolu could see it clearly through the stethoscope. I could hear Bailan's heartbeat speeding up!

Ding Dezhong and Bi Zhigang made a fuss about food poisoning and wanted to throw dirty water on Lu Dajiang. Li Kenan actually agreed because of fear! Soon the rink was forced to close. Bailan knew that the letter was in Niu Xiaoying's hands, so she planned to tell Lu Xiaolu personally about it, but was told by her colleagues to stay on duty in the infirmary! When Lu Xiaolu heard this, he felt something was wrong!


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