Boss Hu tied up Bai Lan and said frankly that Huang Qing was not a human being. Bai Lan said that he would not come. Bai Lan asked the other party to give up on him. Hu Laida said that even without Huang Qing, there would still be a small road. Hu Laida said The boss firmly believed that Lu Xiaolu would come to rescue Bai Lan, so he forced Bai Lan to tell him the contact information of Lu Xiaolu. Bai Lan said that he had parted ways with Lu Xiaolu a long time ago and had no contact with him for a long time. Boss Hu didn't believe it at all, and then took out Bai Lan's Lan asked her to open her cell phone and find her contact information. Before she finished speaking, Lu Xiaolu's voice came in, and then Lu Xiaolu and Li Guangnan made their debut. Boss Hu was so happy that he asked Lu Xiaolu to give him the 300,000 yuan that Huang Qing owed him, and he would release the person immediately. However, Lu Xiaolu said that he would release the person first and then raise the money. How could Boss Hu agree? Li Guangnan and Lu Xiaolu then started fighting directly, but the two were no match at all and were quickly beaten down!

At the critical moment, Lu Dajiang rushed in on a motorcycle. Boss Hu was very happy to see Lu Dajiang. After all, Boss Hu had been waiting for a chance to get rid of Lu Dajiang. The opportunity came now, but Lu Dajiang said that he was not here. The guy who was fighting said he was here to apologize, but how could Boss Hu let him go? He opened his mouth and asked Lu Dajiang to use his fingers to replace each other, one finger at a time. Lu Dajiang agreed, but Lu Xiaolu panicked, but Unexpectedly, Lu Dajiang took action at the critical moment. However, there were too many people on the other side. Lu Dajiang accidentally got hit on the head. However, after briefly regaining consciousness, Lu Dajiang still picked up the knife and stabbed Boss Hu! Finally, Boss Hu fell down, and the sound of the police car rang. Boss Hu's people quickly dispersed. Lu Xiaolu cared about Lu Dajiang, but Lu Dajiang insisted that he was fine, so Lu Xiaolu let Lu Dajiang and Sister Tao go to Thailand. . Lu Dajiang stepped on the accelerator and ran towards the dock. Sister Tao was waiting for him there, but Lu Dajiang couldn't get there. There was more and more blood on Lu Dajiang's head. In the end, he fell into a trance, and he and the car fell down. At this time, Sister Tao also called, but Lu Dajiang did not have the strength to answer the call. Lu Dajiang looked at the postcard given by Sister Tao. It was the place that Sister Tao had always wanted to go. Suddenly, it started to snow heavily in the sky. Boss Hu said Bian was also caught! it is finally over.

The factory finally completed the reform with the support of the government, and the workers were compensated. Lu Xiaolu and Bai Lan finally went to the "Blue Road" for dinner. This was Bai Lan's last meal before going abroad. The two ordered medium-rare steak. Lu Xiaolu said that Afang handed over an olive branch and everything was fine. To develop in a good direction, Lu Xiaolu asked her if she would come back. Bai Lan bluntly said that everything was uncertain! After the two separated, the waiter handed over the message from the previous counter. It was the note Bailan left for Lu Xiaolu every year when she came to eat medium-rare steak for her birthday! Lu Xiaolu understood something and immediately caught up with Bai Lan, and the two embraced passionately!

A year later, Niu Xiaoying and Changjiao held their wedding. Master Niu was very happy. Changjiao changed his mind on the spot. Dilemma and Qinjuan also came. Qinjuan's leg was almost recovered, and everyone was happy! Bai Lan went ahead with the wedding before it was time. Changjiao sang a song at his wedding to commemorate everyone's shared youth. Everything that happened before flashed through everyone's minds, and unknowingly, the path in the middle of the road was left behind. tears. Bai Lan also came later and took a video recorder to film Lu Xiaolu. Lu Xiaolu asked her why she came now. Bai Lan bluntly said that she had been here long ago and was just recording. In Bai Lan's camera, everyone was happy. , smiling. Then everyone walked to the beach together. As they walked, everyone ran away in a panic. Even Li Guangnan left Qin Juan behind. Qin Juan chased them anxiously, but when she turned the corner, she found that everyone was waiting for her. , Li Guangnan also knelt down on one knee, Li Guangnan once again expressed his love, Qin Juan smiled and put on the ring, everyone looked happy, but they will miss their youth and leave everyone The road to the river!


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