Zhou Rui went to Luo Jia's house at night and eagerly helped her choose the clothes and shoes for the meeting tomorrow. He wanted to know how Luo Jia arranged Liu Gong into O&T. Luo Jia refused to answer, saying it was a business secret. Pretending to be asleep, Zhou Rui left quietly.

Fang Wei and Lao Lei had dinner together. Lao Lei felt that Fang Wei was lucky to follow Zhou Rui in sales, but Fang Wei did not want Zhou Rui to help himself every time. He would rather be punished by the company than to shrink his neck like now. With his tail sandwiched between him, Lao Lei told him that it was not Zhou Rui who fished him this time, but Liu Yufan's father Liu Feng.

When Zhou Rui returned home, he found that the clothes his grandma had packed into the box for business trips were actually all vegetables. He worried that his grandma's condition would get worse again.

Cui Long went into the room to take things and found that Bei Yaoyao had anti-wolf spray. He was about to ask carefully when Bei Yaoyao kicked and kicked it out.

Lin Zhenwei told Luo Jia that Chen Mingkai was ignorant and he had already talked to Jieke's Li Zhicheng. Li Dong agreed to start due diligence. Luo Jia applied to participate in Jieke's due diligence. Lin Zhenwei reminded her that Jieke would not be caught by himself.

Soon, Luo Jia, as the business person in charge of the due diligence team, went to Jieke to ask Zhou Rui to cooperate in preparing detailed audit materials for due diligence. Zhou Rui hurried to ask Chen Mingkai. Chen Mingkai was powerless. Zhou Rui said that all legal and financial adjustments are fine, but the core materials of the sales department cannot be leaked because the company has not been acquired and it is now in the early stage of the bidding. Chen Mingkai sighed that Wellcome had rushed to make the best adjustments at this time. The purpose was to prevent them from meeting the bid. The outcome of winning and losing was the same. Zhou Rui was unwilling to withdraw. He expressed that he would fight for honor.

Zhou Rui went back to the office and told Luo Jia that he could not cooperate with the business due diligence, but there was also a hint of joy in his heart, because after the acquisition, the two were no longer in a competitive relationship and could open their relationship. He guessed that Luo Jia took the initiative to request the due diligence. Here. Luo Jia smiled and said that he wanted to see Zhou Rui be cautious and careful in answering questions in front of her. The Jieke acquisition did not cause any loss to Zhou Rui, and she had enough days of pointing at each other with a gun. Zhou Rui said that unless one day The rules have changed, and they have gone from competition to a win-win situation. Luo Jia believes that those who change the rules will die silently.

Zhou Rui returned to the office and asked all the sales staff to show their hands to vote on whether to challenge or withdraw. Everyone agreed to continue the bidding.

Sister Wei wants Chen Mingkai to accompany her to Munich on Thursday. Chen Mingkai explained that everyone is racing against time for the bidding of the super shopping platform. He, the general, cannot slip away at this time.

When the bid respondent checked into the hotel, Fang Wei accidentally saw Zhou Rui and Luo Jia acting intimately. He also saw Luo Jia at Zhou Rui's house when he thought of the party. Fang Wei understood the relationship between the two.

Zhou Ruiwan didn't expect that Cao Tianyou would use the cloud processing project to meet the bid. He reminded Cao Tianyou that Jieke and Fast have not formally cooperated, and that the cloud processing technology is currently immature, and it is still far from the time to market. He needs Have more patience and time. You can't just recognize the money. Cao Tianyou anxiously said that he can't wait anymore. Zhou Rui's cooperation signed and drawn is with him, and he has to accompany him to dance with him because of the fire pit.

Wang Yinan suggested that Luo Jia apply for some discounts from the company. Luo Jia believes that the bidding law has cancelled the low-price bidding requirement, and this time O&T is not looking at low-price bids. They only need to maintain a balance with the other five suppliers. It's okay. Everyone thinks that Jieke has lost, but Luo Jia thinks that Jieke and Zhou Rui are the same. Jieke surrendered but Zhou Rui did not. It is also strange that Cao can enter the game this time.

Bei Yaoyao was playing games in the room, and Cui Long came to pick up trouble. She picked up the anti-wolf spray and scared Cui Long to beg for mercy. Bei Yaoyao suggested that he do something serious.

Zhou Rui arranged for Fang Wei to enter the bidding site with him tomorrow. He told everyone that Cao was bidding for cloud processing this time, which is different from their traditional play style. In terms of business standards, Wellcome is the most advantageous of the five families. They have the most technical advantage, but Wellcome has more advantages in terms of contacts, so even if they drop another 10 million, they still have risks. He encouraged everyone that tomorrow may be their last battle in Jieke. They must fight for honor, even if they lose, they will be honored.

The hotel they stayed in was owned by Cui Long's father. After the meeting, Cui Long instructed the staff to get him a Wellcome work permit and a room card for the room where the bid was placed.


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