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Yukako showed Ida Yutaro the painting that Chen Qian gave her. The little girl on it was her, and the other was Ida Yutaro. Ida Yutaro asked Yukako what strange person she saw before going to bed, and Yukako was disappointed, thinking he was here to care about herself. Ida Yutaro said that he really cared about her, Yu Jiazi replied that she was only with Yu Chunyang, and she told herself the story of Dingsheng cake. Yukako's hands were a little allergic, and Ida Yutaro hurriedly sent Yukako away to take the painting for inspection. Back in the room, Yu Chunyang noticed that there was a note from Chen Qianfang on Yu Jiazi's hairpin. Yukako went back to pick up her own painting and found Yutaro Ida doing the test. She felt that he doubted Chen Qian and left angrily. Akiko came to comfort her, but Yukako was very disappointed. She thought Ida Yutaro was changing, but she hadn't changed at all. If Chen Qian really did something, Ida Yutaro would definitely not be relentless,

After Chen Qian and Yu Chunyang passed on the news, Xu Dehai quickly arranged a response. Chen Qian said that he wanted to eat the noodles made by Akiko, and Ida Yutaro asked her to prepare them and send them to Chen Qian. Tomorrow, Ida Yutaro arranged for the family members to go back to Shanghai by car. Qiuzi made noodles and sent them to Chen Qian, there was nothing unusual about it. Early the next morning, Ida Yutaro arranged for the female relatives to leave first, and asked Wan Ju to accompany them. Yu Jiazi helped Chen Qian make a hairpin, Chen Qian put it on Yu Chunyang in public, and then met Yu Chunyang and Yu Jiazi. Qiuzi said goodbye. Yu Jiazi felt that Chen Qian seemed a little strange today, and when she said goodbye, she specially emphasized "my friend", Yu Chunyang told her not to think about it.

Later, Ida Yutaro and others did not get on the train. He concluded that the four people present had already spread the news that the uranium ore was on the train, and he had prepared a big gift for those who came to snatch it. Chen Qian has always been suspicious of Qiuzi. He got the news of Pulsatilla from Fatty Qian, and his characteristics are very similar to Qiuzi. So Chen Qian asked Qiuzi to make noodles for him, and Qiuzi didn't hide his identity anymore.

Yutaro Ida asked He Dabao who was the spy. He Dabao seemed to be frightened, and pointed at Chen Qian and said it was him. Chen Qian and Qiuzi had already guessed that Yutaro Ida let the female relatives leave alone in order to escort the uranium ore, so if this operation fails, it will be a benevolence. Faced with He Dabao's identification, Chen Qian was very calm. He Dabao claimed that Captain Zhou and Chen Qian were in the same group, and Captain Zhou slapped him in anger. He Dabao intensifies, thinking that Chen Qian is the military leader Lu Bu, and betrays Captain Zhou completely.

On the way, Qiuzi excused motion sickness, and the team stopped halfway to find motion sickness medicine in Ida Yutaro's box, but was stopped by the gendarmerie. Then a gunfight broke out. Ida Yutaro asked Chen Qian to explain himself, but Chen Qian pointed out the real whereabouts of the uranium ore, and asked him if he had ever thought that this spy might be among his relatives. Qiuzi hijacked You Jiazi and Yu Chunyang to threaten Wanju to leave smoothly. Wanju was shocked and hurriedly reported to the nearest telephone booth and Ida Yutaro.


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