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Captain Zhou went to visit Gu Manli privately and disinfected her wounds. Gu Manli was very grateful. Captain Zhou blamed himself for being incompetent and could only do these small things for Gu Manli. Captain Zhou understands that Gu Manli has her own beliefs, and he can't persuade Gu Manli, but he believes that men are responsible for family and country affairs, and Gu Manli should not be sent as a woman to suffer. But what is Captain Zhou doing? He is a man, but he has not done those big things to save Canada. Is this kind of lingering life really what he wants?" Captain Zhou claimed that they could not beat the Japanese, but Gu Manli was struggling , Victory will definitely belong to us. Captain Zhou doesn't need to be anyone's ox or horse, he just needs to be a man of indomitable spirit. Captain Zhou gritted his teeth and nodded. He has his own way, so he must find a way to rescue Gu Manli out. Seeing this scene, Wanju slapped Captain Zhou angrily and ordered him not to enter the interrogation room.

Wu Ruonan sent an emergency contact signal to Captain Tao saying that he had found uranium ore. Captain Tao followed her to find the uranium ore without saying a word, but was held hostage when he got there. The people who held them hostage were Chen Qian and Qian Fatty. This was a play they discussed with Wu Ruonan. Chen Qian pretended to be a member of the CCP and questioned the military commander about seeking personal gain to make the country miserable. Captain Tao claimed that he did not know about it. Chen Qian threatened to give Wu Ruonan as a gift to the Japanese. She is the daughter of General Cai. Certainly do not escape death. Tao Dachun still refused to admit it, and finally told them that the real culprit behind the scenes was instigated by Xie Dongdong. Only then did Chen Qian reveal his true identity. He just wanted to confirm who was playing tricks behind the scenes, but he didn't expect it to be Xie Dongdong. Knowing that Gu Manli was arrested and beaten badly, Wu Ruonan was not afraid at all, after all, Chen Qian and Fatty Qian were there to protect him. Shen Xiong was released, and Chen Qian was very angry when he heard the news. There were too many people involved in this matter, and Chen Qian had to swallow this sulking breath, but it was a pity that Xu Kuilin did not rest in peace.

When Ida Yutaro saw Gu Manli again, he always thought that Fei Tian was a strange man like Lu Bu, but he didn't expect that he was a girl. Gu Manli said that Feitian is a group of people, not just one person. Yutaro Ida said Captain Zhou was Fei Tian's assistant, and Captain Zhou begged Wanju to speak for him. Gu Manli deliberately said that Captain Zhou was her assistant. A few months ago, she copied all the keys of Captain Zhou and could enter and leave his office at will. Gu Manli was using this method to make Captain Zhou give up on her, and Captain Zhou broke down as expected and cursed at Gu Manli. Gu Manli continued to describe her theft of Wanju's documents. Wanju was so frightened that he quickly separated the relationship. Ida Yutaro seemed to know Gu Manli's purpose well. Gu Manli continued to talk, even talking about Chen Qian, his behavior of trying to cover up also reminded Gu Manli. Gu Manli continued to irritate Ida Yutaro. It was because they were full of loopholes that she had this information. Ida Yutaro was the biggest dereliction of duty, and all of them were her own wings. Yutaro Ida let Captain Zhou go, and seemed to regret what happened to Gu Manli next time. The sun was shining outside and she was in her youth. Ida Yutaro admires Gu Manli very much, but the two armies are fighting for their own masters, so he can only break Gu Manli's beautiful wings.

Xu Dehai and Yu Chunyang wanted to rescue Feitian, but it was very difficult. Yu Chunyang talked about Chen Qian's application to join the party, but he didn't know whether it was good or bad. Xu Dehai thought that the information was still at Gu Manli's house, and she had a special way of hiding things, so Yu Chunyang asked Yu Chunyang to go back and try to find them. Captain Zhou understood that what Gu Manli did was to save herself, and at the same time, she had a deep reflection. The charred CCP correspondent on the hospital bed made a weak call, begging to let himself die. Captain Zhou thought of Gu Manli's impassioned words, and finally chose to help him end his pain.

Gu Manli raised a cat named Coffee, and she never drank coffee, but she was drinking coffee when she was arrested. Chen Qian was puzzled, what does coffee represent?


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