Yunjae came to the National Third Central Hospital to see his daughter Hazhen. The doctor said that he needed more high-grade water, otherwise his daughter's legs might be broken. Jia Rong and Zhi An studied the transparent substance in Xiucan’s blood and found that it was very similar to water, but the characteristics were different from water. Zhi An thought it was a virus, Jia Rong thought it was a contact infection, and Zhi An put the blood in the water. Suddenly the growth continued, Jia Rong hurriedly sprayed it with a freezing gun. When Yunjae put on his spacesuit and went out, the elevator suddenly started. He was thrown aside to dodge. Only 9% of the oxygen remained and the device was abnormal. Soohyuk said that he would exchange with him, but Yunjae insisted on coming. I fainted due to lack of oxygen. When I woke up, I found that I was in the ship, but still could not communicate with the earth. I suddenly detected a signal sent from the outside to Storage #3. Everyone hurried over to check and found that Qixiu used a machine. When contacting someone privately, Yoonjae asks Tae-seok to use that machine to contact the earth.

Tae-seok finally got in touch with the earth, and Yoonjae reported the situation to Director Choi, thinking that Director Choi had concealed the survivors. Director Choi retorted and asked Yoonjae to stop the outflow of samples even if he could not bring back the samples, and the rescue ship would be delayed. Arrived later. Zhian asked Yuncai if she knew that the sample they were going to collect was water. Yuncai remembered that Director Cui told him that Yuan Jing had found "moon water" on the moon, and Yuncai told everyone that the Bohai Base was the place to study moon water. Zhian said that Chief Cui would conceal it because the water killed all the members of the base and Xiucan, because the moon water would continue to grow in the host's body until the host died. Yuncai said that as long as the moon water can be controlled, the water shortage problem can be solved. Yuncai said that he opposed Zhian's participation in this mission at the beginning, but Zhian said that her sister asked her to come, so she took Yuncai to the data repository. After the two entered, they found a tunnel full of plants.


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