Since then, Su Minzhi withdrew his order to expel Su Ronghua from the family, and worked with the Shangguan family to keep the secrets of the two children. Su Ronghua left Beijing to travel, and Shangguan Ya entered the palace as the crown princess. The emperor supported King Su and deposed the prince. Pei Wenxuan persuaded the noble family to send troops. Just when Su Minzhi was hesitating, Su Ronghua suddenly came back and expressed his support for the Su family to send troops.

Although Su Ronghua seemed to bet on Su's personal feelings, in fact, this decision was more appropriate and it was indeed the choice Su had to make. Because Li Chuan was a virtuous person and an orthodox member of the royal family, his succession to the throne was justifiable, which would prevent people from being dissatisfied and taking advantage of the situation to rebel in the future.

In the first year of Dexu, shortly after Li Chuan ascended the throne, war broke out in the north. Manchu officials advocated peace, but only Pei Wenxuan, Qin Lin, and Li Chuan took charge of the battle. Later, Li Chuan and Pei Wenxuan went around for Qin Lin, collected money, and forced the war. However, because they had no theory but no practical experience, the treasury was empty. Coupled with floods in the south, the war finally stopped.

According to Pei Wenxuan, he and Li Chuan visited the south for disaster relief and found that aristocratic families were hoarding food and driving up prices, making it difficult for them to receive disaster relief funds. Outside Huajing City, battlefields and famines intertwined, forming a sharp contrast. In order to save the south from the disaster, the two implemented imperial examinations, taxed aristocratic families, restricted the purchase of land and the number of slaves, and implemented a fixed-point system. When the Ministry of Personnel promotes officials, points will be deducted from aristocratic families, while points from poor families will be increased. This move caused dissatisfaction among local wealthy families. They refused to implement or distorted the decree, which increased the burden on the people.

At the end of the winter of the Dexu year, Li Chuan ignored Pei Wenxuan's dissuasion and ordered Qin Lin to kill a local clan leader. This led to continuous rebellions in the area for three consecutive years and the city was abandoned. Although Li Rong tried to dissuade Li Chuan many times, her sharp words hurt Li Chuan. Over time, he felt incompetent and was driven crazy by shame.

In Li Chuan's eyes, his original intention was correct and his decree was correct. His fault was that officials from aristocratic families were lazy and negligent in their administration. As a result, the conflict between Li Chuan and the aristocratic family became more serious. Shangguan Ya, who was caught in the middle, was implicated and was not welcomed by Li Chuan. Although she tried hard to dress up and was gentle and considerate, Li Chuan was just bored with her. Especially when Qin Zhenzhen appeared, he could not accept sleeping with her. It was precisely because Shangguan Ya was not favored and the family's continuous pressure that she had to seek help from Li Rong, hoping to give birth to her eldest son as soon as possible to stabilize her status.

Under Li Rong's interference, Li Chuan and Shangguan Ya were forced to have sex in the same room. They took drugs to enhance their pleasure every time. The two people who did not love each other so much that they almost hated each other had to sleep in the same bed in order to have a child. Soon, Concubine Qin was found to be pregnant. Li Chuan was overjoyed and announced that except Concubine Qin, he would not visit anyone in the harem again.

Shangguan Ya was so disheartened that she could only ask her father to find a man for her to conceive an heir as soon as possible. Otherwise, she would have to watch Concubine Qin's son succeed to the throne. The Qin family, the Han clan who fully supported Li Chuan's changes, would be suppressed. A noble family will never turn around. Shangguan Xu found Su Ronghua, hoping that he could combine with Shangguan Ya and form an alliance with the Su family. In the future, the two clans would jointly assist the child. Su Ronghua entered the palace overnight. From this moment on, the fate of the two was completely entangled.

Two months later, Shangguan Ya became pregnant. Li Chuan was kept in the dark about her affair with Su Ronghua from beginning to end. Because Qin Zhenzhen was deeply favored by the Han people, they spread rumors among the people and fabricated miracles in an attempt to make the child a prince when he was born. Su Ronghua consolidated Shangguan Ya's position as queen and decided to poison Qin Zhenzhen.

But when Qin Zhenzhen died, Li Chuan was greatly stimulated. He no longer cared about the so-called war, the people, and justice. He blindly favored poor families and killed aristocratic families indiscriminately. This resulted in more cruel and corrupt officials in the court, and the people were in dire straits. In those years, the Great Summer was in turmoil, with wars everywhere. The Su family persuaded the monarch, appeased the people, distributed wealth to provide disaster relief, suppressed rebellion, and worked hard to maintain the stability of the court. Thinking about it now, Li Chuan's various actions were just to consume the family's strength.

As Pei Wenxuan thoroughly investigated the truth behind Qin Zhenzhen's death, Li Chuan was angry and killed his uncle and mother. If Shangguanya hadn't bitten Li Xin and Li Chuan's flesh and blood, and confessed his kinship on the spot, the child would have been killed long ago. The souls of the dead. The Queen Mother committed suicide in the harem to protect Shangguan Ya's mother and son, but Li Chuan did not kill her in the end.

In the eighth year of Dexu, Li Chuan wanted to expedition to the north, but the Su family firmly opposed it, understanding that his true intention was to seize military power. Immediately afterwards, Li Chuan framed King Su for treason, and on the grounds that the Su family was collaborating with the enemy, he destroyed the entire Su family, castrated Su Rongqing, and subjected Su Ronghua's body to the same torture. He used a white jade hairpin to humiliate Shangguan Ya, causing her to collapse. Pei Wenxuan witnessed this scene and felt deeply sad and ridiculous.

With the rise of the Han clan and the decline of the aristocratic family, Li Chuan knew that he could no longer continue to force the aristocratic family, otherwise he would both be destroyed, so he simply chose to cultivate immortality and declare a truce. Li Rong represents the Holy Will and is responsible for supervising the country. She is the representative of the aristocratic family, and Pei Wenxuan becomes the leader of the Han clan. The two check and balance each other and form an alliance. Daxia ushered in ten years of recuperation and finally flourished.

However, ten years were long and painful for Su Rongqing. It was so long that people were completely changed beyond recognition, had forgotten their original intentions, and lost their direction. Now fate is turning again, and when faced with a choice, Li Rong believes that Li Chuan is not suitable to be emperor, while Su Rongqing also feels that it is a mistake to seize the throne.

On the other side, Qin Zhenzhen found his brother along the trail. The brother and sister attacked the camp at night, killed the traitor Cui Qinghe, took back the tiger charm, and took command of the army. Li Rong learned that King Su was out of danger and wanted to cooperate with Su Rongqing. Pei Wenxuan expressed support, but suggested that she meet the prince first. Shangguanya confirmed that Su Ronghua had no intention of competing for the head of the family, so he resolutely gave up the relationship and cherished it.


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