Concubine Rou knew that she could not escape disaster, so she pretended to be a great mother and tried to guide Hua Le to act according to her wishes. Hua Le, on the other hand, was also ambitious and wanted to replace Li Rong as the eldest princess of the Great Xia Dynasty. She turned a blind eye to Concubine Rou's tragic fate and went to her uncle's mansion alone overnight with the token given by Concubine Rou.

The Xiao family came from a poor family. Over the years, two uncles have held important positions in the court. One is the eldest uncle Xiao Su who guards the northwest, and the other is the third uncle Xiao Ming who is in charge of the Royal Forest Army. Hua Le conveyed Concubine Rou's wishes to Xiao Ming, but Xiao Ming believed that the incident happened suddenly and required careful planning. This winter might be a suitable time.

Hua Le was overjoyed when he heard this, completely missing the sad look on his face just now. After she left, Xiao Ming showed disdain and mocked Concubine Rou, saying that mother and daughter had their own plans. One wanted to exchange her daughter's life for her son's throne, and the other wanted to use the power of her mother's family to gain glory and wealth. Although he despised it in his heart, considering the honor and disgrace of the Xiao family, Xiao Ming decided to send someone to deliver a message to the emperor.

Later, Li Chuan was summoned to the palace by the emperor. Seeing the emperor standing alone in the pavilion, Li Chuan felt uneasy in his heart. Eunuch Fulai was well aware of the emperor's emphasis on flesh and blood, and suggested that if Li Chuan could clarify his position and attitude, his position as prince would still be stable. Unfortunately, Li Chuan did not understand Fulai's intention.

The emperor felt extremely complicated because of Li Chuan's alienation from him. Li Chuan said that he had never thought about competing for the throne, but only wanted to protect his mother and sister, and hoped that his father and mother could tolerate each other. But the emperor solemnly told Li Chuan that as an emperor, he should consider the welfare of the people, and the family relied on its power to ignore the life and death of the people. The queen always put the interests of the Shangguan family first, and the Shangguan family was the foundation of the family, so the emperor and the empress They are destined to be unable to coexist peacefully.

The emperor asked Li Chuan to make a choice, whether to choose himself or the queen. He emphasized that if Li Chuan chose the right direction, Daxia's country and throne would be within his reach. Li Chuan didn't hesitate at all and said frankly that the people he cares about most are his sister and mother, and this feeling will never change from beginning to end. When the emperor heard this, he turned his back. Li Chuan knelt before him and left.

In the morning of the next day, the emperor hastily set a day for winter fun, which aroused suspicion among the courtiers. The content of the winter games is similar every year, and is nothing more than military drills and competitions within Huajing. There are currently six armies in Huajing, namely the emperor's Yulin Army, the prince's Yulin Guards, and the four armies of the east, west, south and north responsible for guarding the city gate. The commander of the four armies is the aristocratic family headed by the Shangguan family.

At this moment, Li Rong had just returned from the palace, and she was in a state of dissociation, with a chill in her heart. Looking back on the last life, Shangguan Ya, Li Chuan, Qin Zhenzhen and even Su Ronghua did not die well. She, Pei Wenxuan and Su Rongqing, all of them, died in despair.

But now, even if they are reborn, the big event related to their life and death will still happen again in another way. Li Rong is worried that his mother and brother will let him down, and he doesn't love them that much. Seeing Li Rong's fear, Pei Wenxuan held her hand distressedly and promised to use his body as a bridge and his bones as a wheel to escort her out of the city to avoid disaster and never let her repeat the mistakes of her previous life.

That night, Li Rong went to the palace to explain everything to his mother and wanted to know her countermeasures. The queen has decided to stay in the palace, but has planned an escape route for Li Rong. If something unexpected happens, Li Rong can escape to Qingzhou through the secret passage in the city, and then return to Huajing after Li Chuan ascends the throne. Compared with the queen in her previous life, she behaves very differently now. She is willing to die for her children and does her best to keep her daughter safe.

Soon, Lin Feibai rushed back to Huajing from outside the customs and went straight to the Inspectorate to see Li Rong. Due to the strict rules of the Xie family, Lin Feibai understood that it was difficult to gain recognition with military power alone, so he planned to marry Shangguan Ya and promised mutual benefit and not to interfere with each other. After he takes control of the Xie family, he will also become Shangguan Ya's strong backing. If the two of them want to reconcile, they can do so at any time.

Shangguan Ya informed Li Rong of the matter and thought that marriage might be a try. But Li Rong felt that love should not be sacrificed for political power, especially since she and Su Ronghua had already developed feelings for each other. However, Shangguan Ya said that the Su family has embarked on the road of rebellion and that she is willing to give up her personal emotions for the family, let alone harm the entire Shangguan family for her own selfish interests.

Seeing Shangguanya being so rational, Li Rong was speechless and only hoped that she would think carefully. Shangguanya made up his mind and told Su Ronghua straightforwardly that they did not have to see each other again in the future. After saying that, he turned around and returned to the house, allowing the guards to block Su Ronghua from the door. In the days that followed, Su Ronghua often wandered outside Shangguan's residence or the Inspectorate, hoping to see Shangguan Ya, but was rejected behind closed doors. As a bystander, Li Rong could not interfere too much.

Now there is an undercurrent surging throughout the court, and major aristocratic families are also experiencing great changes. Li Rong knew that Lin Feibai would kill Xie Chunhe and replace him. On the other hand, Shangguan Ya specially asked for leave to spend a few days with Lin Feibai in order to make Su Ronghua give up, but he would miss people wherever he saw things. Qin Lin originally wanted to lead his army back to Beijing to support Li Rong, but was unexpectedly plotted by his friend Cui Qinghe and escaped with injuries. Cui Qinghe's search was fruitless, so he surrounded the camp to capture Xunchuan.


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