Su Rongqing suddenly visited Mingle Palace. Firstly, he wanted to know who was advising Concubine Rou, and secondly, he told her that she had been set up and it was too late to escape. Originally, Concubine Rou wanted to win over the Han people to support King Su, but she didn't know that it was related to a fraud case in the imperial examination, and a slight mistake would ruin King Su's reputation. Seeing Concubine Rou's sad face, the maid suggested that she should continue to conspire with Su Rongqing.

A few days later, Pei Wenxuan was ordered by the emperor to go to the inspector to assist Concubine Rou in analyzing the imperial examination fraud case, and ordered a thorough investigation of everyone involved in the case. The first to be affected was the Shangguan family and other aristocratic families. Since everything that offended people was left to Pei Wenxuan, Concubine Rou had no worries and ordered him to order soldiers every day, rushing people from the streets of Huajing to the end of the street to work hard on the imperial examination case.

Suddenly, this noble concubine who was born as a commoner was not afraid of the powerful, and the people in the city applauded. Pei Wenxuan established an upright image among the people. While his reputation was unprecedentedly high, his reputation among the aristocratic family became increasingly tarnished. Although Jinglan is a maid in the princess palace, her changes in Concubine Rou are obvious to all. Li Rong told her that the terrible thing about power is that it corrodes people's hearts. The people who are corrupted are not aware of it, and their ambitions and desires continue unabated until they themselves perish.

Now that her power and reputation are under control, Concubine Rou thinks it's time to stop. After all, she just wants to eradicate dissidents, not really to ask for help for the people. Concubine Rou came to discuss with Pei Wenxuan, hoping that he would come forward to persuade the students to give up pursuing the substitute examination. As long as these people are willing, they can not only take the normal imperial examination, but also get a large sum of money.

In addition, Concubine Rou asked Pei Wenxuan to arrest another person for her, and this person was Wang Houwen, the Minister of Personnel. Then Pei Wenxuan led his people to surround Wang Houwen's residence and blocked it tightly. Seeing the situation, the servant hurried back to report to his master. Wang Houwen knew that the other party was coming to arrest him, so he still sent someone to find Su Rongqing calmly.

In the end, Su Rongqing personally imprisoned Pei Wenxuan in the Ministry of Punishment on the grounds of being a criminal, forcibly breaking into private homes, and beating court officials. Li Rong knew very well that although Su Rongqing looked as gentle as jade, if anyone stood in his way, he would turn into a poisonous snake that could kill him with one blow. The top priority was to find a way to rescue Pei Wenxuan, otherwise it was difficult to guarantee what he would do.

On the other side, Pei Wenxuan and Su Rongqing, old friends who had not seen each other for many years, were sitting in the Ministry of Justice drinking tea and talking. Pei Wenxuan didn't hide it, and directly asked Su Rongqing when he would come back. Su Rongqing knew it in her heart, and she was calm that it was a month before the Spring Banquet, and when she woke up, it seemed like a big dream.

Although Su Rongqing liked Li Rong, he still watched Li Rong marry Pei Wenxuan. In his heart, he hoped that Li Rong would be happy, but in his eyes, he felt that Pei Wenxuan was not worthy of Li Rong. At this moment, Li Rong hurried to the Ministry of Justice to ask for someone, and warned Su Rongqing that she never hated him for killing her in the previous life, but if he killed Pei Wenxuan, she would hate him for the rest of her life. Immediately afterwards, Li Rong supported Pei Wenxuan and left the Criminal Department without looking back. Su Rongqing quietly watched the two people leaving, feeling heartbroken by Li Rong's words.

Sitting on the carriage on the way back, Pei Wenxuan told Li Rong about Concubine Rou. In order to take care of the injured Pei Wenxuan, Li Rong claimed that she was the one who kept pestering Pei Wenxuan and made her own decisions. She has the character of an infatuated princess. At the same time, Concubine Rou learned about what Li Rong had done and did not intervene for the time being. The reason why she asked Pei Wenxuan to capture Wang Houwen was to use him to scare the monkeys and serve as a deterrent to other aristocratic families.

Concubine Rou's original plan was to capture Wang Houwen and then find an opportunity to let him go. It was just a process. But before Concubine Rou could send the apology to Wang Houwen, she suddenly received a note with a limerick written in it, mocking her for her humble background and that even if she turned from a pheasant to a phoenix, she still could not change her mean temperament. Because the handwriting seemed to be written by Wang Houwen, Concubine Rou was furious and immediately led people into the palace to arrest her without allowing any excuse.

In the morning of the next day, Shangguan Xu and others reported to the emperor, accusing Concubine Rou of arresting the imperial official without authorization. Concubine Rou and King Su brought out evidence of Wang Houwen's bribery to block the family's speech so that they had nothing to say. Wang Houwen was tortured but still refused to confess, and told Concubine Rou that there were many aristocratic families in the Great Xia Dynasty, but they had long been integrated into one, and if one was born into a noble family and the other suffered losses, if a person who was born into a noble family betrayed a noble family, he would only end up dead. Concubine Rou had no choice but to tell the emperor truthfully and promised to treat his birds well on behalf of Wang Houwen.

Soon, the investigation into the imperial examination fraud case was completed, and King Su asked the emperor to restart the imperial examination to give justice to the students. Originally, King Su wanted to nominate himself as the examiner, but the emperor had other arrangements. Pei Wenxuan suggested to the emperor that he should increase the number of military examinations. Because the emperor was blind for a moment when he got up for two consecutive days, the eunuch Fulai was worried and revealed the matter to Pei Wenxuan. Pei Wenxuan was shocked and realized that things would soon change.


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