Ding Yuanzhi questioned Han Xilin with the mailing list. Han Xilin refused to admit that it was a medical diary, but a record of the patient's condition. Ding Yuanzhi left in anger, and Han Xilin knew in his heart that although Ding Yuanzhi was a trustworthy person, now is not the time to tell him. A pale-faced patient was sent to the hospital emergency room with very strange symptoms. She asked Dr. Ding to go by name, but she said that Dr. Ding was not Ding Yuanzhi, but Ding Xuekun. It seemed that she did not know that Ding Xuekun had passed away. thing. Han Xilin was also a person within the gods, so he went with Ding Yuanzhi.

The patient came to the Ninth Hospital because of acute intestinal obstruction, and Ding Yuanzhi suggested that she come to the neurology department next time. This time, the patient came. Han Xilin noticed that the patient was sensitive to light, with redness around the eyes, acute intestinal obstruction accompanied by severe pain all over the body, and taking a lot of painkillers had no effect. The patient's condition may not be so simple, so she was admitted to the hospital. Hao Dawei's friend Lu Yao suffered facial paralysis because of Botox. She was going to get married soon and came to ask Hao Dawei for help. Hao Dawei agreed to find a way. Ding Yuanzhi was sent to Germany to purchase medical equipment, and the hospital specially asked Wang Hengzhi and Lin Yajie to practice it for him.

Lu Yao called the nurse over in pain in the middle of the night. Wang Panpan went over to take a look and was frightened by her pale face. Han Xilin examined the patient Zhang Qiangwei. The initial diagnosis was peripheral neuropathy. Zhang Qiangwei will have a lumbar puncture and spinal MRI in a while. Li Qiao and Zhang Qiangwei were classmates back then, and she was in charge of doing a waist piercing for Zhang Qiangwei. Seeing that she was so ill and answered the phone to talk about work, Li Qiao couldn't help but say a few words. Zhang Qiangwei didn't take it seriously. If she was the one who recommended it at the beginning, it's not necessarily who is in charge now. Hao David asked Han Xilin to help Lu Yao with acupuncture, on the condition that he had lunch for a month and paid the bill, Han Xilin agreed.

Dean Situ ordered people to find something as soon as possible. After all, it wasn't entirely Ding Xuekun's, let alone Han Xilin's. Ding Yuanzhi returned to the hospital and joined Zhang Qiangwei's consultation. After everyone's discussion, they still couldn't confirm it, so the patient was given a comprehensive tumor investigation first. Zhang Qiangwei's colleague came to see her in the hospital. Zhang Qiangwei ordered to transfer her clients to their manager Zhao, but did not disclose the seriousness of her condition. Perhaps it was because of an old relationship with a classmate that Li Qiao couldn't help but tell Zhang Qiangwei that no matter how complicated her condition was, the doctors in the hospital would do their best to treat her. Zhang Qiangwei didn't say anything, but the expression on her face was touched.

Hao Dawei brought Lu Yao, and Han Xilin gave Lu Yao acupuncture and said something meaningful. I don't know if this Lu Yao listened. Zhang Qiangwei's illness has not been diagnosed. Ding Yuanzhi, Han Xilin and Li Qiao are on duty in shifts and pay close attention to Zhang Qiangwei's situation. In addition, Li Qiao has a good opinion of the precision group, and she is also willing to join the precision group. Later, Han Xilin heard that Zhang Qiangwei's pain sound was wrong, and confirmed that she had concealed the pain level, so Han Xilin proposed to change the medicine, but Zhang Qiangwei felt that the medicine would damage the nerves and was unwilling to use it, so Han Xilin took a step back and gave her traditional Chinese medicine. medicated patch.
After a few days of acupuncture, Lu Yao's condition gradually improved, and David Hao was very grateful to Han Xilin. Han Xilin also ran to save Ding Xuekun immediately because he thought it was a kind of fate between them.


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