Shen Yurong was teased by Wan Ning. She couldn't stand Shen Yurong's innocent look in white clothes and liked to see him endure the pain. Wan Ning wanted to get involved with the New Deal, but Shen Yurong would rather kneel down than Ye Shu could do.

Emperor Hong Xiao handed the annual examination to Shen Yurong, and he expressed his relief. Wan Ning suddenly appeared. She proposed a good idea and wanted men and women to be tested in pairs. Emperor Hong Xiao accused her of fooling around and shouldn't let Mingyi Hall and Imperial College mix. Wan Ning told him not to underestimate a woman's ability, and offered her as a pledge when she was an envoy in exchange for the peace and tranquility of Dayan. Emperor Hong Xiao couldn't argue, so he just followed Wanning's wishes.

Wan Ning taught Shen Yurong how to obey her and went to the palace in person to prove his ability in front of Emperor Hong Xiao. Shen Yurong had no choice but to swallow his anger. Xue Fangfei taught Tong'er how to write, and Jiang Jingrui came to tell him the good news, saying that this year's annual exams would be held at the same time as the Imperial College and Mingyi Hall. Xue Fangfei heard that Shen Yurong was presiding over the exam, and she decided to participate in person.

Jiang Jingrui was worried about which girl to find when forming a team, so Xue Fangfei suggested that he ask him to find her. Jiang Jingrui laughed loudly after hearing this, thinking that Xue Fangfei should not have ridiculous ideas. Mingyi Hall only accepts women with both talent and beauty, and laughed at Xue Fangfei for not overestimating her abilities. He firmly believed that Jiang Yuanbai would not agree and would walk upside down if he lost the bet. Xue Fangfei and Tong'er laughed loudly, but Jiang Jingrui couldn't defeat her.

Xue Fangfei asked Mrs. Jiang. She knew that she had a bad reputation in Zhennu Hall, and she wanted to go to Mingyi Hall to gain a good reputation as a Ph.D. Mrs. Jiang thought it was a good thing. She saw that the copybook written by Xue Fangfei was very good, so she asked her to show it to Jiang Yunbai. She was worried that she would have concerns and said that she would tell Jiang Yuanbai about it in person.

Jiang Yuanbai praised the copybook for its integrity and strength. When he learned that Xue Fangfei wanted to go to Mingyi Hall, he hesitated to see Ji Shuran's opinion. Ji Shuran was worried that Xue Fangfei would give up halfway, and deliberately asked the master to test Xue Fangfei to see if she was qualified to enter Mingyi Hall. Jiang Yuanbai was going to find teacher Jiang Jingrui, but Ji Shuran suggested asking Shen Yurong.

Jiang Yuanbai told Shen Yurong about this. Shen Yurong thought of Xue Fangfei's appearance and said that he would try his best, but felt uneasy in his heart. Ji Shuran met Shen Yurong in person and asked Sun's mother to give him a large sum of money in the hope that he would do well. In fact, she wanted him to hate Xue Fangfei. She knew that Shen Yurong was born in a poor family and did not like dandy children.

When Xue Fangfei saw Shen Yurong, her hands shook unconsciously. She suppressed the anger in her heart and responded with a smile. When Shen Yurong saw her, it was like seeing his ex-wife, and it was inevitable that he would be a little rude. Xue Fangfei did not let him go and asked him if he had been to Qingcheng Mountain, which reminded Shen Yurong of the scene where he buried his ex-wife alive. Xue Fangfei said that she was miserable and was sent to the Virgin Hall by her relatives. In fact, she also hinted that she was killed by her husband and hoped that Shen Yurong would not show favoritism.

Shen Yurong suggested delaying his studies for two years. He deliberately avoided Xue Fangfei, who blamed and complained every word. In front of Ji Shuran, Shen Yurong asked Jiang Yunbai to delay Xue Fangfei for one year. When Jiang Yunbai sent him away, Shen Yurong praised Xue Fangfei as a real scholar.

Jiang Ruoyao yelled, not wanting to study in Mingyi Hall with Xue Fangfei. Xiao Heng asked people to continue to stare at Li Zhongnan, trying to lure the snake out of the hole. He heard that Shen Yurong helped Xue Fangfei enter Mingyi Hall and thought it was a good show.

After Shen Yurong returned, he kept thinking about Xue Fangfei's words. He ran up Qingcheng Mountain overnight and dug up the grave to verify Xue Fangfei's identity. He was relieved to see that the bamboo flute was still there.

Xue Fangfei and Tong'er were at home and told her to be careful and go to Mingyi Hall to study. There was no carriage when she went out. Jiang Ruoyao deliberately occupied the seat. Fortunately, Jiang Jingrui came forward and gave up his carriage to her. Jiang Jingrui believed that Xue Fangfei went to Mingyi Hall to meet Zhou Yanbang and advised her not to think about the engaged man. Xue Fangfei expressed her desire to get the top spot in the annual examination, but Jiang Jingrui looked incredulous.

Jiang Jingrui analyzed the circles of Mingyi Hall and divided them into officials' children, aristocratic families, and one person, and thought that Xue Fangfei could not form a team with them. Xue Fangfei saw Ye Shijie from the crowd. Xue Fangfei learned that he was his cousin with outstanding talent. I heard that he had not formed a team yet.

When Xue Fangfei entered the school, Jiang Ruoyao deliberately embarrassed her, pretending to be friendly to her but not giving her a seat. Xiao Deying tested it herself, but Liuxu fell asleep and snored in the hall, and Xue Fangfei woke her up.

After class, Zhou Yanbang brought cakes to Jiang Ruoyao, but was fascinated by Xue Fangfei. The man from the Imperial College deliberately teased Xue Fangfei, and Liuxu came to help to fight against the injustice, but she did not like Xue Fangfei and thought she had evil intentions. Wen Ji found out about the lonely young master from Qiantang. The teahouse that Xiao Heng often visited was occupied by the two young masters of the Li family. Li Jing took out a dagger and pointed it at Xiao Heng.


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