Jiang Ruoyao was itchy all over and had red rashes all over her face. Ji Shuran was extremely anxious, thinking that Jiang Ruoyao was allergic to sandalwood. The maid hesitated and falsely accused Xue Fangfei of sending earrings that contained sandalwood. Jiang Yunbai took them off and inspected them personally and found that there was indeed sandalwood in the earrings. Xue Fangfei responded calmly. She said that she did not put sandalwood in it. Ji Shuran said that both people had stolen the goods and asked her to explain clearly. Xue Fangfei suggested that if she and Jiang Ruoyao were alone together, there would be a way to alleviate Jiang Ruoyao's discomfort. Ji Shuran was worried, Jiang Yunbai thought of giving her a chance.

After everyone left, Xue Fangfei realized that this was Jiang Ruoyao's trick. She wanted Jiang Ruoyao to admit it personally, knowing that Jiang Ruoyao was jealous of her. Jiang Ruoyao didn't listen to the explanation and thought Jiang Yunbai believed in herself more. Xue Fangfei anticipated the follow-up development. She knew that Xiangqiao had changed her earrings. The earrings she bought at a high price from Jixianglou were packaged as fakes. The witnesses and physical evidence pointed to Xiangqiao. Tong'er had secretly observed and found that Yun Shuang and Xiang Qiao had conflicts. Jiang Ruoyao thought that Xue Fangfei was instigating the two maids. Xue Fangfei said that this was to protect herself and she could not let her reputation be ruined again.

Xue Fangfei didn't want to be Jiang Ruoyao's enemy. She just wanted her own things when she came back. She hoped Jiang Ruoyao would think clearly. Ji Shuran and the others stood outside, deliberately saying that Xue Fangfei could not handle the matter. Jiang Ruoyao came out to clarify that she had misunderstood Xue Fangfei, and the matter was settled. After Jiang Yunbai left, Jiang Ruoyao accused Ji Shuran of having such a bad idea and causing herself to suffer in vain, and asked her to come up with the antidote.

Mrs. Jiang learned about this and asked Granny Zhang to make pear soup and invite Xue Fangfei over. She wanted to ask about the situation and was worried that Xue Fangfei would be misunderstood again. Mrs. Jiang asked Granny Zhang to rearrange the maids and drag Xiangqiao and Yun Shuang away from the Cholera House to sell them.

Jiang Jingrui admired Xue Fangfei and thought that she actually asked her grandmother to solve household chores. He liked the little turtle that Xue Fangfei gave her very much. Mrs. Jiang blames herself and feels guilty towards Xue Fangfei. She is aware of Ji Shuran's methods, but she cannot interfere too much.

Nanny Zhang sent her maid Bai Xue to Xue Fangfei. Xue Fangfei learned that she was from Zaohua Village and thought of her maid Haitang. Bai Xue had never heard of his name and said he would write back to let his family find out. Tong'er is confused, and Xue Fangfei is worried that Haitang has also been murdered, and hopes to find her to learn the truth about why she was framed.

Jiang Yunbai felt sorry for Ji Shuran's hard work. Thinking of the way he saw her back then, he was heartbroken by things at home. Ji Shuran pretended to be a virtuous person and wanted to arrange a marriage for Xue Fangfei. She praised Zhao Qi, the youngest son of the Minister of Civil Affairs, for his excellence, thinking that he was a good family worthy of being entrusted to his family. Jiang Yunbai agreed and informed Xue Fangfei of the matter. Xue Fangfei guessed that Ji Shuran didn't want to stay at home, but Tong'er said that Zhao Qi was indeed excellent, and Xue Fangfei suspected that something was fishy.

The Jiang family invited the Zhao family to be their guests and arranged for the two to meet. Zhao Qi was indeed a talented person, and the two had a private gathering. Zhao Qi bluntly said that he wanted Xue Fangfei to marry him and open up the Zhao family, and he thought Xue Fangfei had good looks. Xue Fangfei saw Zhao Qi's problem, guessed that he had someone outside, and scolded him. Zhao Qi was worried about being known by his family, so he expressed that he did not like Xue Fangfei in front of his parents.

Xue Fangfei thought of her old friend Dai Yun. She hated romantic men and only regarded women as tools for giving birth to children. Xiao Heng led people to surround Yang Song's house and found that Yang Song had hanged himself. He knew that he had been tricked.

At the court, Kong Zhaofeng, the Secretary of Salt and Iron, asked for a chance to make up for his mistakes. Emperor Hong Xiao hoped that he could handle it carefully. Shen Yurong reformed the imperial examination and wanted to give more opportunities to children from poor families. Li Zhongnan believed that the previous imperial examination should not be abolished because he was worried that high-quality candidates would be missed. Jiang Yunbai denied it, believing that former imperial examinations could easily lead to collusion between officials and family members, and he hoped to reform academic affairs.

Emperor Hong Xiao knew that there were always shortcomings in the early stages of the New Deal, so he authorized Shen Yurong to preside over the annual test, hoping to select outstanding talents who aspired to become officials. Li Zhongnan called his sons Li Jin and Li Lian. The Salt and Iron Division's money was broken and they could not fill the hole. They planned to start with Ye Shijie of the Ye family, but they had not found a chance yet. Li Zhongnan said that he would pave the way for them.


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