Mrs. Jiang was preparing a banquet to wait for Xue Fangfei, but Sun’s mother said that she was entertaining the people of Huaixiang at Ye’s house. Mrs. Jiang was not unhappy. Jiang Yunping and his wife also spoke for Xue Fangfei. Jiang Yunbai thought this was normal and thought that Xue Fangfei had grown up. Well, Ji Shuran's plan failed.

Xue Fangfei was accompanying the people of Huaixiang, and Wen Ji asked her to see Xiao Heng. Xue Fangfei went to the appointment, but Xiao Heng said that she did not invite her. Xue Fangfei saw that he was jealous and praised him a few more words, thinking that Xiao Heng was the biggest helper in overturning the case. Xiao Heng felt secretly happy and responded to Xue Fangfei's toast. Unexpectedly, Xue Fangfei mentioned Situ Jiuyue, thinking that she came to see him for another purpose. Xiao Heng suddenly felt that the wine was no longer fragrant and deliberately poured it away. Xue Fangfei praised him for looking handsome when he was angry, but Xiao Heng drank again after watching her leave.

Xue Fangfei looked at Xue Huaiyuan who was in a coma. She thought that the law of heaven would be towards good people. Ye Shijie saw her coming back and asked her if Xiao Heng had made things difficult for her. He thought Xiao Heng was usually indifferent and worried that he would bully Xue Fangfei. Xue Fangfei said no, and asked Ye Shijie to take care of Xue Huaiyuan temporarily.

Ji Shuran hates Xue Fangfei again. She wants to find a way to drive Xue Fangfei out of the Jiang family as soon as possible. She is not satisfied with everyone speaking for her now. Mother Sun took out the letter and said it was from Wan Ning to Ji Shuran. Ji Shuran went to the princess mansion to meet Wan Ning. Wan Ning gave her advice to discipline Xue Fangfei. She said that the capital was once haunted, and later asked the Tai Bu Ling to rectify the situation. She wanted to use this to frame Xue Fangfei as being possessed by evil spirits, so she recommended the Tai Bu Ling. I hope she can persuade Jiang Yunbai to enter the house to exorcise evil spirits.

Li Zhongnan sent a message to Wan Ning and asked Tai Bu Ling to take action. He used witchcraft to control human bodies, and these people deliberately took to the streets and set themselves on fire. The people at the scene were frightened when they saw it with their own eyes, and everyone talked a lot, thinking that it was caused by Emperor Hong Xiao's banning of Wan Ning. Xiao Heng guessed that someone was behind it deliberately. He asked Lu Ji to put the rumors to rest and Wen Ji to send a message to Xue Fangfei.

Tong'er asked Xue Fangfei to go out less. Xue Fangfei knew that Wan Ning would never give up, and Ji Shuran would also take action. Faced with the current situation, Xue Fangfei said that the road ahead was dangerous, but Tong'er was not afraid and wanted to continue to accompany Xue Fangfei.

Ji Shuran came to Taibu Ling and saw a painting on the wall. The painting turned out to be her former self, which made her fall into memories. Back then, she and Liu Wencai fell in love, but Ji Yanlin stopped them. After marrying Jiang Yunbai, she met Liu Wencai again. After deliberately lingering with him, she tied him up and set a fire in the house. Liu Wencai stopped her, and Ji Shuran realized that she couldn't believe Liu Wencai was still alive. Liu Wencai has now become a Tai Bu Ling. He said that he would help her kill Xue Fangfei, but asked her to stay with him.

When Jiang Yu'e returned to her parents' home for the first time, Zhou Yanbang did not accompany her. Jiang Ruoyao knew that she was not favored in the Zhou family. Jiang Yunxing and his wife saw that their daughter's gift was a dowry, and they learned that she was not welcome in the Zhou family and was beaten by Zhou Yanbang. They were heartbroken but helpless. Jiang Ruoyao was still thinking about Zhou Yanbang, and Zhou Yanbang also gave her gifts in private. Ji Shuran was in a bad mood and wanted to quickly get the son of the Qi family to marry Jiang Ruoyao.

Jiang Yu'e mentioned at home that Xue Fangfei had returned home, and deliberately said that what happened that night was a note given to her by Xue Fangfei. After hearing this, Zhou Yanbang was angered, beat and scolded Jiang Yu'e, and also developed hatred for Xue Fangfei. Jiang Yu'e was not worried. She thought that as long as she was pregnant with a child, she could become the matron of the Zhou family.

Jiang Ruoyao took out the hairpin given by Zhou Yanbang, thinking that Zhou Yanbang still had feelings for her. Ji Shuran suddenly entered the house and asked her to have a blind date with the Qi family as soon as possible, but Jiang Ruoyao was unwilling. Ji Shuran saw that she was distraught and found the love letter Zhou Yanbang had given her. She tore it up angrily, then took away her hairpin and ordered her to change her clothes and go see Mr. Qi.

Jiang Jingrui returned to the Jiang family and reported the good news to Xue Fangfei, saying that the disaster situation in Dingzhou had stabilized. Zhou Yanbang asked the maid to deliver a letter to Jiang Ruoyao and ask her to come out to meet. Jiang Ruoyao ignored Ji Shuran's instructions and secretly met with Zhou Yanbang. When Jiang Yu'e learned about this, she questioned Zhou Yanbang during breakfast. Zhou Yanbang knew that she was following him, so he choked her neck and threatened her in anger.

Jiang Ruoyao failed to meet with the Qi family master. Jiang Jingrui felt sympathy for her and chatted with Xue Fangfei. Xue Fangfei thought Jiang Ruoyao was too stupid and wasted her time on unworthy people. There were no clues found by Zuo Zuo. Xiao Heng had long known that the will-o'-the-wisp was a chemical effect and that someone was pretending to be a ghost behind it. He guessed that this was just the beginning.


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