Liu Yuanfeng comforted the victims, Liuxu distributed food, and Jiang Jingrui was responsible for registering the victims' information. Xue Fangfei studied the map and found that there was something wrong with the victims of the riot. Originally, Xue Fangfei and others were in Huaixiang and arrived in Dingzhou by carriage. The victims who caused trouble appeared in Dingzhou. They suspected that they were coming from Ningzhou. Ye Mingyu noticed something was wrong. Xue Fangfei asked Liu Yuanfeng to verify. Both of them suspected that there was a problem in Wei County, and that someone behind the scenes deliberately invited the victims to be lured to Dingzhou.

Jiang Jingrui proposed arresting the leading victims, but Xue Fangfei was prepared to risk her own life and personally set up a trap to lure the troublemakers out. Ye Mingyu drove a carriage out of the city. The troublemakers broke out and stopped them from leaving the city, shouting that they wanted to kidnap Xue Fangfei in exchange for food. Seeing the victims crowding the front of the carriage, Ye Mingyu got out of the car to look for the troublemaker. Taking advantage of the crowd, the troublemaker wanted to get on the carriage and assassinate Xue Fangfei, but unexpectedly Xiao Heng kicked him out and arrested the troublemaker.

Xiao Heng had long heard Xue Fangfei's plan to take her and Xue Huaiyuan out of Dingzhou. Xue Fangfei is determined not to leave. She wants to solve the deadlock and dig out the real mastermind behind it, and prevent Dingzhou from repeating the same mistakes as Huaixiang.

Jiang Jingrui saw that Xiao Heng was interested in Xue Fangfei. Xue Fangfei teased him for not wanting to make progress. Liuxu suddenly helped Jiang Jingrui speak. Xue Fangfei was surprised and guessed that Liuxu had a crush on Jiang Jingrui. Lu Ji found out that the trouble in Dingzhou was instigated by Lu Ziyun of Wei County. They embezzled the court's disaster relief food and deliberately lured the victims to Dingzhou.

Xiao Heng was going to Weixian County to arrest someone. When he left, he told Xue Fangfei to calm down. Xue Fangfei hoped that he would be safe. Jiang Jingrui helped Liuxu carry the grain, and Liuxu looked at him with admiration. Jiang Jingrui thought Liuxu was going to confess her love to him, but Liuxu pulled him away and said he was too weak. After saying that, he directly carried two bags of grain with both hands.

Jiang Yunbai didn't want to eat or drink because of Xue Fangfei's incident. He learned that Li Zhongnan deliberately kept food away and was worried that Xue Fangfei would be trapped in Dingzhou. But when I think about it, if Dingzhou is relieved of its difficulties, Xue Fangfei will surely settle the matter after returning to Beijing, and Li Zhongnan will also be disadvantageous to the Jiang family. Xiao Heng arrived at the Weizhou Granary and found that Lu Ziyun had escaped. Xiao Heng did not panic and knew that this was a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

Ye Shijie went around collecting food, but after collecting the food, no escort dared to escort it. Ye Mingxuan counted the trucks at home and prepared to personally escort the food to Dingzhou. Li Zhongnan's informant came to report and learned that Xiao Heng had fallen into the trap and Ye Shijie had nowhere to raise food. This made him very satisfied. His purpose was to isolate Xue Fangfei in Dingzhou.

The troublemakers gathered in Dingzhou again, deliberately pretending to be dead and shifting the responsibility to Xue Fangfei, shouting that they wanted to see Xue Fangfei and ask her to come out. Seeing that they were unable to resist the victims, the guards at the city gate hurriedly closed the city gate. Jiang Jingrui quickly pushed the catkins into the city and locked himself out. After Xue Fangfei learned about it, she stood on the city gate regardless of the danger to comfort the victims.

Liu Xu found someone to support him and opened the city gate to force the victims back. However, the troublemaker deliberately killed someone, which intensified the conflict and shouted to capture Xue Fangfei. Fortunately, Ye Shijie and the Ye family came to distribute food to the victims, and the victims who caused trouble were also caught. Ye Shijie had already sent a letter to Ye Jiaer, asking them to secretly go to Cangzhou to raise food. Ye Shijie's raising of food in Luyang was just a cover-up.

Xiao Heng once sent two secret letters to Beijing, asking Jiang Yunbai to greet the Cangzhou prefect and allowing the Ye family to raise food and reach Dingzhou smoothly. Jiang Yunbai deliberately acted in front of Li Zhongnan to relax his vigilance. Wan Ning was thinking about dealing with Xue Fangfei, Shen Yurong said something back to her, Wan Ning was so angry that she slapped him.

Dali Temple and Li Zhongnan sent a memorial to the Holy Emperor, asking him to deal with Xue Fangfei and Jiang Yunbai. The Holy One knew that Xue Fangfei was Xiao Heng's chess piece and asked him for his opinion. Xue Fangfei and others arrived in the capital smoothly. Dali Temple wanted to take her and Xue Huaiyuan to await trial, but the Gu brothers stopped them. Xue Fangfei told the villagers not to worry, as someone would definitely uphold justice for their grievances, and she requested that the Dengwen drum in the capital be beaten. Others commented that the drum had not been used for a long time, and Xiao Heng thought that the last time it was sounded, he was avenging General Xiao.

Please ask the breeze to bring the sound of drums, and ask the sky to judge your loyalty. The sound of drums resounded to the sky, snowflakes fell from the sky, and the people of Huai Village beat the Dengwen drums one after another. When Emperor Hong Xiao heard this, he sent Su Neiguan out to deliver the edict, and the case of Xue Fangfei's prisoner robbery and the case of Xue Huaiyuan's embezzlement were tried together. Emperor Hong Xiao was interested in Xue Fangfei. He had been waiting for someone to come forward and wanted to use this to eliminate the unhealthy tendencies in Dayan's officialdom.


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