In the dream, Xue Fangfei (played by Wu Jinyan) is wearing a red dress and walking in the forest with her husband. When she woke up, she found herself disheveled and a strange man lying on the bed. The man forcibly violated her and was seen by Shen's mother and Shen Ruyun, who framed her for stealing and was tied up and locked up in the woodshed. Shen Yurong (played by Liang Yongqi) opened the woodshed door and picked up an ax to cut off her shackles. Xue Fangfei tried her best to explain that she had been misunderstood. Shen Yurong had no expression on her face and lied about taking her away.

There were thunders in the sky, and on the carriage, Xue Fangfei fell asleep after drinking the kettle given by Shen Yurong. When she woke up, she found herself lying in a deep pit. She tried to ask why, but her unknown husband Shen Yurong wanted her reputation to be ruined. Shen Yurong said ruthlessly with tears that the other party was powerful and he could not refuse. Xue Fangfei learned from Shen Yurong that her father Xue Huaiyuan was imprisoned for corruption and her brother Xue Zhao was killed by bandits. She hated Shen Yurong for being so cruel. Shen Yurong knocked Xue Fangfei unconscious with a shovel, buried her in a deep pit, and threw down the bamboo flute that was their love token. After Shen Yurong rode away, a hand stretched out from the soil.

After Shen Yurong settled the matter, he informed the eldest princess Wan Ning about the matter. Learning that Shen Yurong buried Xue Fangfei alive, Wan Ning pretended to be surprised and accused Shen Yurong of being cruel to his first wife. Shen Yurong knew that Wan Ning had instructed Shen's mother to frame Xue Fangfei. Shen's mother did not dare to offend Wan Ning, forcing Shen Yurong to deal harshly with his first wife. Wan Ning's words stimulated and humiliated Shen Yurong. Shen Yurong was angry and strangled her neck and wanted to die together, but Wan Ning's words made him afraid.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier. Xiao Heng (Wang Xingyue) appears in the warehouse. He finds out that Shopkeeper Jia and others are selling illegal salt and captures them. Shopkeeper Jia wanted to resist, but was checked by Xiao Heng's men Wen Ji and Lu Ji. Shopkeeper Jia begged for mercy and confessed Mr. Qin, and the two made an appointment to watch the transaction in Helin. Suddenly, a man in black flew past the door and threw the fly to the point where he tried to kill Shopkeeper Jia, but was blocked by Xiao Heng.

The next day, Xiao Heng and others walked through the busy city and met Shen Yurong to deliver Xue Fangfei's soul. Everyone knew that Xue Fangfei had been having an affair and was killed, and lamented that she was once the most talented woman in Huaixiang. On the back mountain, Jiang Li (played by Yang Chaoyue) and her maid Tong'er (played by Amy) chopped firewood and returned to the Virgin Hall. On their way back to the Virgin Hall, they saw the injured Xue Fangfei by the river.

The two rescued Xue Fangfei ashore, woke her up, and found fruit for her. Xue Fangfei mistakenly thought that the two were bad guys, and learned from Tong'er that Jiang Li was the prime minister's daughter. Xue Fangfei looked at the bamboo flute and remembered that she had disobeyed her father in order to marry Shen Yurong. Fortunately, Xue Zhao helped to speak and Shen Yurong also promised to protect Xue Fangfei, so Xue Huaiyuan agreed that the two would be together.

Xue Fangfei regretted her stupidity. She wanted to commit suicide by throwing herself into the river, but was stopped by Jiang Li. Jiang Li advised her to live before she could be reborn, saying that she had felt the same way. Xue Fangfei calmed down temporarily, and Jiang Li said that he would prepare food for her again.

Jiang Li and Tong'er returned to the Virgin Hall, prepared food and went out again. They were stopped by their fellow disciples, who said that the hall master had told them to wait until the weather cleared outside before going to chop wood. Jiang Li was worried that Xue Fangfei would starve, so she sneaked out at night and was caught by the hall master and others. The hall master beat and scolded Jiang Li in public, thinking that she went out to meet a man in the middle of the night, regardless of Jiang Li's explanation.

The leader of the hall punished Jiang Li severely with a stick and signaled that others should participate as a warning. Tong'er wanted to take the beating for Jiang Li, but was pulled away by her classmates. Jiang Li was beaten dozens of times and was seriously injured. Xue Fangfei left the place and happened to arrive at Privet Hall. She accidentally saw the hall master and others leaving and heard them talking about Jiang Li.

While the hall master and others were away, Xue Fangfei slipped into the Privet Hall and saw the dying Jiang Li. Jiang Li told Xue Fangfei about her life experience. Xue Fangfei learned that Jiang Li was framed by her stepmother when she was young and was sent to Privet Hall by her father to be punished for ten years. She expressed sympathy and persuaded Jiang Li to hold on. Jiang Li knew that she didn't have much time, so she gave Xue Fangfei the hairpin that could prove her identity, hoping that she could convey her grievances to her father. Jiang Li breathed her last breath and saw her deceased mother Ye Zhenzhen in the hallucination and followed her away.

When the hall master came back, he found that Jiang Li was not breathing. He was at a loss and was afraid of being discovered. Xue Fangfei suddenly appeared and threatened her, saying that she could replace Jiang Li.


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