Luo Qiqi was sitting in Jiajie's new song and dance hall, and she heard Xu Xiaobo's arrival. She walked out and saw Xu Xiaobo. She told him that she had bought the ticket and would leave after the New Year. Xu Xiaobo asked her if she had to leave. Luo Qiqi said that she was not happy here at all. Xu Xiaobo asked her if happiness was so important. Luo Qiqi told him that it was very important to her. Xu Xiaobo was very angry. Luo Qiqi asked when they would open in Shuifang and if she could keep up. Xu Xiaobo told her that they couldn't use it in Shuifang. It turned out that there was a bathing center with this name and they couldn't use it unless they canceled it.

On the surface Xu Xiaobo was having trouble with her, but secretly he had been going to the bathing center to look for things that needed to be written off for a long time. Luo Qiqi's parents were also arranging for her to enter the factory. She didn't want to be arranged by them and wanted to leave, but was stopped by two people. They booked a private room to arrange for Luo Qiqi to meet with people in the factory. Luo Qiqi ran away from the taxi. She called Squid and Xu Xiaobo to rescue her. Xu Xiaobo saw the scene of her mother beating her, and he was very Sadness rushed over and took Qiqi away. Luo Qiqi asked Xu Xiaobo if he really went to find the documents. Xu Xiaobo nodded. Squid ran all over the class and there was no one in Hannan that made lanterns.

He took a wooden board and wrote the words "Zai Shuifang" on it, hung it on his new store, and set off firecrackers to mark the opening. Xu Xiaobo asked Luo Qiqi again if she really wanted to leave, but Luo Qiqi said nothing. Xu Xiaobo said that he had always regarded her as his biological sister. He thought that one day she would leave, but he didn't expect it to be so soon. What he wanted was for her to go to school well, get into a good university, and leave in glory. He felt that Luo Qiqi had read a lot of books and was very smart. It was a pity not to go to school, but he did not consider that Luo Qiqi was really unhappy here. Xu Xiaobo asked her what day she was leaving and he would see her off. Cuizu also told her to strive for self-improvement and asked her not to give up studying.

Zhang Jun went to the cinema to find Luo Qiqi. The staff of the cinema told him that Luo Qiqi had left and was said to be going out to work. Zhang Jun came to visit Teacher Gao with his things. He met Chen Jin here, and the two talked about Luo Qiqi. Zhang Jun was surprised that Chen Jin still remembered. Chen Jin said that of course he remembered that she was his deskmate and was very smart. He often saw her name in Hannan Library, and the Tianfu Mathematics he wanted to read was still in her hands. Zhang Jun wanted Chen Jin to do him a favor, and Chen Jin agreed. When Luo Qiqi came to return the book, she happened to bump into Chen Jin, who called out to her. Luo Qiqi didn't expect that he still remembered her, and the two competed in the Mathematical Olympiad in the library again.

Luo Qiqi realized that she was wrong. Chen Jin told her that she was right. Luo Qiqi didn't care about this anymore. She wasn't going to school anyway, and she couldn't make any money from it. Chen Jin told her if she still remembered her childhood. He remembered her not because she was his deskmate, but because she had read more books than him. Chen Jin asked her why she didn't go to school. He felt that people who like the library would not dislike going to school. Luo Qiqi told him not to mind her own business. Chen Jin just thought it was a pity that she didn't go to school. Luo Qiqi got on the bus to Xi'an. Xu Xiaobo came to see her off and asked her if she couldn't bear it, she wouldn't leave.

Luo Qiqi was calculating the Mathematical Olympiad problem on the car window without saying a word, and suddenly a ray of light hit her face. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself at the edge of the fields in Nanzheng. She met her childhood self. When she was a child, she felt that she was so stupid that she would lose to Chen Jin. In fact, Luo Qiqi didn't want to leave at all. She just couldn't stand that her parents didn't love her. No one except Xu Xiaobo wanted to listen to her story. Luo Qiqi finally figured it out and decided not to leave. She called her mother and said that she was wrong. She was not going anywhere. She just wanted to stay and go to school and let her mother give her a chance.


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