Ge Xiaofei was waiting for Luo Qiqi at the entrance of the Beijing Zoo with a candied haws on a stick. When Luo Qiqi saw Ge Xiaofei, she ran over excitedly and hugged Ge Xiaofei. Luo Qiqi said that Ge Xiaofei was more beautiful than before. She asked Ge Xiaofei if she was doing well. She had lost weight. Ge Xiaofei told her that she had gained weight instead of losing weight. She said that when she first came to Beijing, she lived in a basement and washed dishes and handed out leaflets. One time when she was handing out flyers, an older sister brought her here because there were so many people here. Ge Xiaofei said that she had signed up for a foreign language class, and she wanted to go to the foreign guest department of a hotel in the future, where the salary was relatively high. She also sent living expenses to her family, but her father still wanted to ignore her.

Luo Qiqi said that life is so wonderful. Xiaofei studied well before, but she didn't study well. Now she studies well, but Xiaofei doesn't study anymore. She now found her purpose in life, but she couldn't find it. Now that her friends are no longer by her side, she doesn't know where she should work. Ge Xiaofei told her that he would accompany her. Luo Qiqi looked at Xiaofei and she fell silent. Ge Xiaofei asked Luo Qiqi to take a snapshot together, and the two of them picked out the clothes they wanted to take photos with. Guan He was skating at the roller rink. She met Zhang Jun who came to skate alone. She said that she had seen Zhang Jun in a group before, but now he is not used to it by himself.

Zhang Jun told her that he liked to be alone now, and he asked Guan He whether he had decided to go to the normal school. Guan He told him that he could no longer learn and that Jiang Lang had exhausted his talents. However, Zhang Jun said that if it was Luo Qiqi, he would definitely not accept it. Guan He said that he was not Luo Qiqi and left after saying that. Chen Jin took Luo Qiqi to his university, Tsinghua University, and asked Luo Qiqi how Tsinghua University was. He also heard that Luo Qiqi ranked first in the whole grade in this exam. He felt that as long as Luo Qiqi wanted to, she could come here. Luo Qiqi told him that she had not thought about it yet. It's not that she doesn't want to come, it's that she's hesitating. She doesn't know what she wants.

Luo Qiqi felt that the person who promised to come to Beijing with her was now gone, and she didn't know what her meaning was. Chen Jin told her that this happens to everyone and no one can help her but herself. Chen Jin gave Luo Qiqi his library card, and he hoped that Luo Qiqi could go there to find the answer. Guan He's mother had already arranged her future path for Guan He. She asked Guan He what he thought, and Guan He just thought she was happy. Teacher Zeng told Guan He that her essay had been published in a magazine and that if she wanted, she could enter him into this semester's essay competition.

Luo Qiqi was reading in the library. As she looked at it, she remembered what her grandfather said to her when she was a child. She burst into tears and ran out and loudly said that she had found it. Luo Qiqi called Guan He and told him that he must take the college entrance examination. Guan He asked her why, and Luo Qiqi told her that she was in the library of Tsinghua University now. She thought of Guan He when she was reading, and thought of the scene where they read together. She still remembered what Guan He said to her: wishful thinking is the biggest. driving force. Luo Qiqi encouraged Guan He to take the college entrance examination and not to lose to herself. The tense college entrance examination is coming soon. There are still fifteen minutes left before the exam. Luo Qiqi has not arrived yet. Guan He looks at her seat nervously.

Luo Qiqi went to take a look at Zaishui. She found that Zaishui had been demolished. She hurried to the examination room to take the exam. The camera turned to 2008, and Luo Qiqi came to the former Yaoerguai. She came to her high school. In retrospect, when the college entrance examination results came out, her classmates were cheering that Luo Qiqi was the first provincial champion in the city. Guan He was also admitted to her ideal school. She and Luo Qiqi sat together waiting for Zhang Jun, but did not see him after waiting for a long time. Luo Qiqi also spoke at the graduation ceremony on behalf of the graduating students, and Guan He also performed erhu at the graduation ceremony. Zhang Jun went to Ningxia with his father, and he had to repeat his studies for another year. Xu Xiaobo and Jiajie also started a business together. Ma Li still drove the rental car and contacted Xiaofei when anything happened.


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