Ma Li walked out of the school gate and got into a taxi and was about to leave. Zhang Jun kept chasing after him and calling Ma Li. Teacher Zeng knew about Ge Xiaofei's affairs. She asked Luo Qiqi to take Ge Xiaofei back first, and she would help them handle the school affairs. Teacher Zeng told Ge Xiaofei that the incident was not her fault and asked her to take good care of herself. Zhang Jun asked someone to inquire, and Ma Li went to the police station because he hit someone with his car, which constituted injury. The other party told him that he could negotiate but would have to pay two thousand yuan. Zhang Jun felt that two thousand was too much and asked the man if he could give him less. Luo Qiqi accompanied Ge Xiaofei home. Ge Xiaofei asked her if she was really wrong. Luo Qiqi told her that it was not the case.

Zhang Jun called Lin Yue. He wanted to borrow money from Lin Yue. Lin Yue told him that he only had two hundred. The voice of his colleague calling Lin Yue came over the phone. Zhang Jun was discouraged from borrowing money. He He told Lin Yue that nothing was wrong and hung up the phone. Zhang Jun called his former friends to borrow money but got nothing. He had no choice but to call his father. The person he called was his aunt. Zhang Jun hung up the phone without saying a word. Zhang Jun had no choice but to ask Chen Xiaojun to borrow money. Chen Xiaojun asked him why he didn't come during this time. Zhang Jun said that he had something to do at school during this time, and he said that he would come often in the future.

Zhang Jun told Chen Xiaojun that the man who was hit was named Fu Peng. He often came here to have fun. Chen Xiaojun looked at Zhang Jun and told him that he could help him, but he only wanted to treat his own brother. After that, he left. Luo Qiqi took Ge Xiaofei to the library to read. Luo Qiqi found many books for her that she had read. After school, the two of them came to the train track to play. They were very happy shouting out their inner thoughts. Ge Xiaofei painted Luo Qiqi's nails with colored pens, and the two made an appointment to eat mutton skewers. Suddenly Ge Xiaofei said that she wanted to call the police, and Luo Qiqi said that she would accompany her. The two people came to the police station, and Ge Xiaofei told the police what happened that day.

She gave the detailed time and place. The police asked her why she didn't go home at that time. Ge Xiaofei told the police that she was going to run away from home that day and go to the rehearsal room to wait for the person with her. When the person's friend arrived, she told her that the person had already Leave, she can't leave. Ge Xiaofei was very sad. She had no strength and was walking aimlessly on the road. She was followed by three men. They covered Ge Xiaofei's mouth and dragged her into the car. The police asked her if there were any specific characteristics on those three people. The more specific the better. Ge Xiaofei described some characteristics of the three people respectively. Suddenly a policeman came in and said that Ge Xiaofei's mother was here and her mother did not intend to call the police.

Ge Xiaofei rushed out of the room. She walked into the bathroom and found that she was on her period. She was very happy to tell Luo Qiqi. Ge Xiaofei's mother told the police that she was telling nonsense. She didn't want Ge Xiaofei to call the police. She felt it was very embarrassing to do so. She asked Ge Xiaofei not to go to the police station tomorrow, and said that she would transfer Ge Xiaofei to the next county to attend high school. Ge Xiaofei told her that she would definitely go to the police station. Her mother felt that Ge Xiaofei was very obedient before, but what happened now? Ge Xiaofei said that she was obedient before because she was afraid that her mother would be beaten. After saying this, she lowered her head and cried while eating, and her mother stopped talking.

The next day, Ge Xiaofei came to the police station, and the police asked her to identify the suspect. Ge Xiaofei saw the third person that day, and that person provoked Ge Xiaofei. Ge Xiaofei pointed at that person and said it was him. Ge Xiaofei told Ma Li that she was leaving. She was going to Shanghai or Guangzhou, but she hadn't decided yet. Ma Li asked her if she would take good care of herself. Ge Xiaofei asked Ma Li if she liked her. Ma Li was about to cry and he said she did. Ge Xiaofei said that they would definitely meet again. Ge Xiaofei told Luo Qiqi that she was leaving. She was a coward. She saw herself and her mother being beaten since she was a child. She would only rely on others, but when she woke up from the dream, she wanted to live for herself.


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