Recap Page

Time came to 2005, when Feike’s real name was Li Zerui, which was also his real name. Li Zerui's high school grades were very good at that time. He was admitted to Chengjiang University in advance before taking the college entrance examination. He was a prominent figure in the school and had been interviewed by TV stations. He Shan's mother didn't take it seriously and asked He Shan to pass the exam. He Shan gave Li Zerui a jersey his father brought back from Munich. Now their wish to get into Chengdu University has only been half realized. They don’t know what will happen in the future, and Li Zerui has long wanted to pass the test. Huishan, leave that home. The stepmother's biological son, Li Zetian, did not get good grades. She actually wanted Li Zerui to take the exam for him. The reasons she gave were grand and impressive, but she never took Li Zerui's position and feelings into consideration.

At first Li Zerui refused and returned the camera gift from his stepmother. He recalled that when his biological mother passed away and his stepmother prevented his father from driving her to see her off, his mind was racing with thoughts. As a result, the next day he told his stepmother that he had promised to do what he had done last night. Soon, the college entrance examination came and Li Zerui met He Shan at the entrance of the school examination room, but he lied and said that he came to cheer for his younger brother. After deceiving He Shan, Li Zerui entered the examination room. The admission ticket was printed in black and white, and the identification and authentication relied on the eyes of the examination room teacher. Perhaps Li Zerui and Li Zetian looked very similar, or maybe the teacher in the examination room was dazzled by seeing too many admission tickets. In short, Li Zerui successfully entered the examination room with Li Zetian's admission ticket and completed a total of four exams.

However, during the last comprehensive liberal arts exam, Li Zerui thought of his stepmother's heartlessness and cruelty, and became so angry that he blacked out his name and exam number. Soon after, the test results came out, and He Shan's parents called their daughter to check the results. He Shan did very well in the test, and her score of 676 was enough to go to Chengdu University. As for Li Zetian, Li Zerui blacked out his name and exam number in the final liberal arts comprehensive examination, resulting in a score of zero. Li Zetian was very angry and went up to beat Li Zerui, but his father stopped him. His stepmother quickly stopped and was pushed away. When He Shan left the examination room, her father took a photo of her with a camera. It was this photo that made He Shan discover Li Zerui in the crowd not far behind her.

People from the Huishan Education Committee came to He Shan's home to find out about the situation. They suspected that Li Zerui had taken the exam for him. Unknowingly, He Shan said that she had met Li Zerui in the examination room, but little did she know that this would become important testimony to expose Li Zerui's taking the exam. That summer, Li Zerui's evidence for taking the exam was conclusive, and his qualification for admission to National Cheng Kung University was cancelled. However, He Shan was admitted to the Department of Journalism of National Cheng Kung University, but she was not excited at all. His father once asked Li Zerui why he agreed to take the exam for him. Did he not care about life? Li Zerui said that from the day his father cheated on him, his life had been ruined. Later, Li Zerui went to Chengjiang, rented a room near Chengjiang University, and started working to earn money to support himself. In his free time, he would study and improve, and never wasted his time.

Because the people he lived with had J-cards, Li Zerui began to be exposed to many different things. He learned that many people used fake student ID cards to enter Chengjiang University to attend classes and take postgraduate entrance exams. He seemed to have seen his opportunity. Li Zerui got acquainted with Xu Ou by returning the wallet of the financial club president Xu Ou, laying the groundwork for what happened later. He also accidentally met He Shan when he was eating leftover food from a customer at a steak restaurant.


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