Ling Yue should go to the bathroom, suddenly scream, peace of mind is shocked to the bathroom on the sofa, but after entering, I found that Ling Yue did not fall, but jumped to the top of the bathtub, asked him what happened, Ling Yue refers to the finger. It turned out to be a cockroach, peace of mind, I didn't expect a big man to be afraid of cockroaches, Ling Yue explained a lot of bacteria, and as long as there is a cockroach, there are eighty four in other corners. , But relief is not afraid, one foot will step on the death and then take it into the garbage bucket, and scare the fumet and say that he sleeps on the sofa at night, and the cockroaches will climb to him, and there is a victimistic disorder. He looked down on the sofa in one night and didn't fall asleep, always fantasy climbed to himself.

I woke up in the morning, I found that Ling was not sleeping in one night, but also laughed at him, I really truly believe that I scared him. I saw that I would like to buy insecticides. After Ling, I have to follow it, I have to go to the supermarket, Anxin wants to buy a bottle of cheap, Ling Yue wants to buy expensive, peace of mind is not yet, I bought the bottle. I went back to swear the house. I still ridicule Ling, the bigger, Ling Yue, I want to say Check things with peace of mind, after using the mobile phone, he opened the phone. He saw a pile of cockroaches in the screen. It turned out that it was a procedure for Ling Yue. This round to Ling Yue ridicule and peace of mind, let him relieve, Ling Yue said half After the hour, I automatically lift it, and peace of mind told him that I have a day of work today and warned that Ling Yue is doing trouble.

At this moment, the company people have worked, everyone is talking, thinking that Ling is dead, the company is not sought to have a rush to find the road, and at this moment, Ling Yue is watching TV to see the news broadcast to find Ling's information, The person discovered that the photo was drinking water and was caught. Atmospheric just went home to hit a kitten and he fed something to eat, it was touched to find a note on the pole, and the peace of mind is moving. When I returned home, I took a photo of Ling Yue, and I asked her to do what she did. And my heart said to him to find a family. After listening to it, she did she deleted it. It doesn't matter, the two are in the process of grabbing the mobile phone. When I arrived in Ling Yue, the air was filled with different breath. The two were different from the past, and then they were still suspected that Ling Yue is not alive. Ask him, it is not a wanted criminal, Ling Da smiled and said that he wants to wanted The first one who didn't let him live at home.

Suddenly, I stopped electricity. Ling Yue asked that she didn't pay electricity, and he was explained that he had just paid electricity bills, and then suddenly remembered that this afternoon said in the evening power outage. Two people didn't mean to talk to the sofa. Tell the story. Ling Yue pays attention to the uniform necklace, and ask what is the meaning of this necklace. This is a child, I will send her, it is a good time. Filtering the brothers, my brother is her closest person, so she cherishes it. Ling Yue said that this is a little child, then Ling Yue put the cup on the mobile phone flashlight to form a radio, and Ling Yue gave peace of mind, this is a story of a raised competition throne, and the peace of mind seems to be very I feel like I feel, Ling Yue asked peace of mind, she joked that she was a raised child, she laughed to say that she was joking, this kind of words also believed. Later, it was not early, I went to rest.

On the morning, I gathered a few shareholders in the event of a few shareholders in the case of Ling Yue's death, but the father of Ling said to give them an account. After the shareholders left, he recalled that Ling Yue is always being bullied by a big son. Is it what there is anything 蹊 此?

After experiencing that Ling of Ling last night has changed his attitude toward peace of mind, the relationship between the two gradually eased. After the peace of mind, I went to send the express delivery, I didn't expect the old acquaintance in a company. Nancy is ridiculely and calm and relieved is the raising woman who is abandoned by Gu's family. Xin Chung seemed to give her a summary of peace of mind, but I can't help this kind of person. Sprinkle a glass of wine in Nancy's face, Xinger and tell Nancy not invested her boyfriend.

At this time, Ling Yue accidentally screwed the faucet, and he wrapped a cloth and fell asleep on the sofa. After the water spread a house, Ling Yue dreamed of his hours, wake up, wake up, see a house. The water was panicked, and the peace of mind was very angry. But I saw that Ling Yue didn't help but realize that he was afraid of water, he gave him the heart of the headphones, and the heart of the heart was calmed down. I saw that I feel different. It is also imitating the screen of warm men on TV, and the relationship between the two is different.

However, relief is not so thinking, thinking that he is weird in the past few days, and asked the doctor if his brain is there, then the two people buy vegetables and still raining home. After home, they will say that it is broken. If you let Ling Yue take a bath, Ling Yue said that his hands and feet are inconvenient, let the peace of mind help him wash, and the two will wipe out how sparks ...


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