Anxin riding a small tram on the sea highway, she is a courier, followed by Ling Yue's car, galloping behind, almost hitting peace, relieved and spitting this person how to drive this, the next consciousness I lived in the license plate number of Ling Yue, but at this time, I didn't know that this is Ling Yue, which is the first time of peace of mind and Ling Yue.

Anxin came to a company to send flowers, and I saw the rush of the company in the corporate entrance and secretly thought that it was really a narrow, yes, this is Ling Yue's company. At this time, he is meeting, and there is always a thunderous Not only the degree is high and very commercial minds, and the small mistakes in the course of the meeting can always be discovered in time, peace of mind will be sent to the front desk. It is good to open it out. The secretary will hand to Lingong. Tell him that this is a flower that gave his mother to sweep the grave. Ling always passed, and took a elevator with peace of mind, and peace of mind realized that this flower is just that she sent it.

At the elevator, peace of mind can only see the back of Ling, at this moment, the elevator is broadcasting a foreign news, the male owner has the victim, the seemingly calm, the inner heart has begun to fantasize himself in the elevator. So after Ling Yue drove to the road to the cemetery, and peace of mind returned to the express station, peace of mind and other employees, to overtime to very late. The man was discovered behind the road to track the vehicle immediately and immediately changed, and then changed the route.

It turned out to be that the big brother of Ling family refers to the old second, the old two is that a raised child is often crowded, and the boss does not study, but I want to set up the land. The old three often listened to the news of the old second Ling Yue, but every time he was smashed with his face, two people who traced Ling Yue were taken away from calling to Ling Peixin. His temper told them to catch up with Ling Yue, then a pair I don't study, and I brushed the shake.

At this moment, Ling Yue is on the ring road, the more you get, but he quickly discovered that it was not right, the brakes failed, and he couldn't stop. At this time, a big truck came in front, Ling Yue entered the sea, track The two happened to see this scene, called the big brother, the big brother and the three brothers hurried home to inform them that his father was dizzy.

There is a heavy rain in the evening, and the peace of mind is added to the cars. On the ring highway. At this time, Ling Yue climbed out from the sea and just walked to the road, and he riding a battery on the road, and hit the Ling. And the peace of mind took him to the hospital.

Ling Yue just woke up at the hospital, peace of mind asked him in the bed, there was any discomfort, but the Ling Yue saw that the two of the two people came to the hospital, he will pull the peace of mind to block He, there is a happiness behind him hit the peace of mind, and the two kissed it, and the reaches of peace of mind, he gave Ling Yue, one slap, it was this palm, and Ling Yue fell into a coma.

After the doctor finished the operation, Ling Yue just woke up and saw that he was in the bed, and asked her to have a mobile phone. Asin, he asked him to do anything, Ling Yue explained the alarm, this will be frightened, and he has something good. Discuss, but don't alarm. Ling Yue asked himself who herself, peace of mind realized that Ling Yue is suffering, asked the doctor, the doctor explained that the fall is skin injury, and it may be that the external force will result in a shortness of the slight brain. Missing, peace of mind realized that it may be that he had just gave him a medical expense, and the operation fee is not restored, it will not let Ling Yue hospitalized, but Ling Yue has a good compensation fee. 100,000 yuan, peace of mind, there is only more than a thousand yuan in the body after paying the operating fee, just a smack of the house to call the rent, and the peace of mind is asked to owe these money and let him live in his own home. She is intimate, and Ling Yue promised, so that Ling has lived in peace of mind.

After Ling Yue lived, he gave peace of mind, and two people played up. Every time I gave a disaster, I would like to write down the Ling Yue head. Although Ling Yue misbacked, his knowledge and this paragraph were alive, and the two had more stories.


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