Wu Min prepared a sandwich for Sun Lei, and also exchanged the tooth that Sun Yuantian had just lost with a coin and gave it to Sun Lei. Sun Lei found that Wu Min also bought the same bed sheet as his, so that Sun Yuantian could sleep peacefully. , Sun Lei is very grateful to her.

Sun Lei sent a message to Chen Shan as soon as he got home, asking her to take care of Sun Yuantian. Chen Shan brought him a suitcase and told him to wear more clothes. Sun Lei asked about the problems encountered by the law firm, and Chen Shan asked him He complained a lot and didn't know how to choose. Sun Lei encouraged Chen Shan to be Batman. He suddenly remembered the book "Freedom, Equality and Fraternity" that Bai Mei gave when Chen Shan graduated, which included choices when faced with confusion. Chen Shan flipped out the book and saw Bai Mei's message at the back of the book, she suddenly became enlightened, made a final decision, and then sent a message to thank Sun Lei.

Lin Qingkun suddenly called Bai Mei and offered to cooperate with her. Bai Mei wanted to record the conversation between the two of them. Lin Qingkun did not object. He found out that Qian Bo not only manipulated Yanfei's case, but also arranged his son Jin Jun to Ruikai Company. , Lin Qingkun persuaded Bai Mei to take the initiative to tell the truth to the investigation team, so that she and Jiecheng Law Firm would have a chance. Lin Qingkun provided Bai Mei with evidence against Qian Bo.

Sun Yuantiao woke up early in the morning and found the cartoon letter that Sun Lei had left for her, so he came to Wu Min for advice, Wu Min explained to her one by one, and asked Sun Yuantiao to open his mobile phone to see the photo of their father and daughter. Yuan Tiao learned that Sun Lei came to see her in the middle of the night, and happily went to have breakfast. Chen Shan came to pick up Sun Yuantiao from school early in the morning, and Sun Yuantiao showed her the photos and drawings. Bai Mei suddenly called and asked Chen Shan to go to her house for an interview.

Chen Shan made her decision clear as soon as she met. She didn't want to hide or lie, even if she had nothing. Bai Mei made it clear that Chen Shan was not involved in Yanfei's public fundraising case, and she didn't want her to be involved in the withdrawal agreement. Sign the book, and within ten working days, the 1 million investment fund will be returned to her, and she will be able to find a sponsor again with all her projects. Chen Shan insisted on advancing and retreating with the law firm. Bai Mei persuaded her to think twice, not wanting her to be buried with her and fall into the bottomless pit of Jiecheng. Chen Shan guessed that Bai Mei wanted to clean up everyone one by one, and then turned herself in and took all the guilt alone. Chen Shan To fight for her and persuade her to expose Zhou Jiakai, Bai Mei is willing to give up all her savings, and even sell the house to pay everyone's entry fee. Chen Shan is very moved and wants to fight side by side with Bai Mei.

Han Dongshuo quietly told Li Yu that he had found his next home, and Li Yu was worried about the two projects at hand. Han Dongshuo did not expect Bai Mei to make such a move, and suspected that Chen Shan was doing something wrong. Li Yu came to Mr. Chen Shanxing to ask the guilt. Chen Shan was willing to take all the responsibility for the project of Xifuhui. Li Yu accompanied Chen Shan to come to see Sister Jin for a showdown. When Sister Jin learned what was going on, she immediately decided not to change lawyers or law firms. She explained the stakes to her, but Sister Jin still refused to make a change, so she looked for Chen Shan, and she said that she had no reason. Sister Jin decided to fly to the Northeast tomorrow to get the minutes of the board of directors' meeting. Lin Qingkun suddenly called Chen Shan, Chen Shan greeted him, and Lin Qingkun cheered Chen Shan on.

Bai Mei came to the law firm and recalled the scenes when Zhou Jiakai invited her to be a partner 16 years ago. She had mixed feelings in her heart. Chen Shan then came over and recalled how Bai Mei recommended her to the law firm, and even took out Sun Lei to coax her. Her happy bare-ass doll, Bai Mei couldn't help laughing at the teasing. The more Li Yu thought about it, the more wrong she felt. She felt that Bai Mei was testing everyone and suspected that Bai Mei and Chen Shan were planning a big game of chess. She decided to stay in the law firm and wait for the changes.


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