Li Yu took Wu Xiaotian to Hangzhou by train. She called her trustee to delete the negative news on the Internet about the small sugar balls and dried meat. Chen Shan and Sun Lei also took the train. Li Yu believed Wu Xiaotian had disclosed their itinerary to Chen Shan. He gave him a severe lesson. When Sun Lei learned that Li Yu was Chen Shan's competitor, he bought a pair of poker, made some tricks in advance, and then asked Li Yu and Wu Xiaotian to play Truth or Dare.

Chen Shan was drawn twice in a row. She chose Truth and Dare respectively. Li Yu couldn't wait to know the purpose of Chen Shan's trip to Hangzhou. He also forced Chen Shan to turn over the computer and let Wu Xiaotian tamper with the file data. Immediately afterwards, Li Yu was selected. She chose to tell the truth and kept claiming that Bai Mei and Zhou Jiakai would let her take charge of Lin Qingkun’s case, and persuaded Chen Shan to give up as soon as possible. Chen Shan retrieved Zhou Jiakai’s call recording and confirmed that Li Yu was lying and asked Wu Xiaotian. Returning to the team with her computer, Li Yu was immediately dumbfounded. Wu Xiaotian did not expect Wu Xiaotian to play Infernal Affairs for her. Wu Xiaotian also guessed that Sun Lei had manipulated poker in advance and asked Li Yu to tell the true purpose of the trip.

The train quickly arrived in Hangzhou. Sun Lei went to the hotel to check in. Chen Shan took Wu Xiaotian to find Lin Qingkun. Li Yu then rushed to meet Steven, the owner of Xiaotangwan, in the name of an alumni, and Steven came out to pick him up in person. Li Yu, let Li Yu be the lawyer for the listing of Xiaotangwan. Chen Shan was unwilling to give up. She asked Wu Xiaotian about the evidence in Li Yu's possession and found that she had not collected the situation and appeals of the six victims. Wu Xiaotian found out that the parents of the victims were broadcasting live online, and they disclosed that their children were eating small sugar balls and dried meat. In the case of poisoning, Chen Shan sent a message to remind Lin Qingkun not to apologize publicly or accept any claims for compensation before finding out the truth.

Li Yu accompanied Lin Qingkun and Steven after watching the live broadcast. She suggested to apologize publicly. Lin Qingkun received Chen Shan’s message. He insisted on finding out the truth before telling it, and he only wanted an irresponsible result. Chen Shan took off her high heels and climbed over the wall, and went straight into the meeting room to find Lin Qingkun, and publicly announced that she could help Xiaotangwan to make an irresponsible defense.

Sun Lei learned from Wu Xiaotian that Chen Shan had helped Xiaotangwan to go public. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth and went over the wall in annoyance. Chen Shan was not allowed to help him, and Chen Shan was forcibly pulled out. Chen Shan repeatedly explained that the ultimate goal of her work was to find out the truth. Sun Lei didn't listen at all. He saw Lin Jing's pain after being poisoned by gastric lavage and forced Chen Shan to make a choice. Chen Shan fell into a dilemma. Lin Qingkun came out after hearing the news and admitted that the victim Lin Jing was his son. He reminded Chen Shan to have professionalism and not to be influenced by personal emotions. Steven also came out. He firmly believed that the quality of the sugar balls and dried meat was okay, and Sun Lei was angry. Moving away, Chen Shan asked Lin Qingkun to wait for her for an hour.

Chen Shan came out to chase Sun Lei. Sun Lei thought she would give up helping Xiaotangwan to go public. He did not expect Chen Shan to persuade him. Chen Shan persuaded Sun Lei not to be impulsive, and he could not completely deny Xiaotangwan meat on the basis of unilateral test results. Sun Lei immediately Turning into anger, she left without looking back. Chen Shan didn't know how to balance the relationship between family and career. She fell into confusion again.

Lin Qingkun called Chen Shan to make a decision, right? Before Chen Shan could answer, Sun Lei used the video posted by Lin Jing and Wu Min in the circle of friends. Wu Min made the cake by himself. Thanks Chen Shan and Sun Lei for their help. Lin Qingkun Hearing this on the phone, she urged Chen Shan to make a decision again. Chen Shan immediately decided to help Lin Jing and the other victims defend their rights. Sun Lei closed his mouth happily, Chen Shan was very angry, Sun Lei tried his best to make her happy and take her there. Have a meal.

Li Yu insisted that Steven first apologize publicly, and then pay compensation to settle the incident, otherwise it will affect the company's listing process. Lin Qingkun asked Li Yu and the others to continue the meeting, and he went directly to Chen Shan and Sun Lei. Sun Lei witnessed Wu Min crying and calling Lin Qingkun. He thought Lin Qingkun was a ruthless person. Lin Qingkun repeatedly explained that he rushed to the hospital when he got off the plane, but Wu Min did not forgive him. Lin Qingkun wanted to see how Lin Jing was recovering. Sun Lei showed him the video of Moments. Lin Qingkun was very distressed. He admitted that he lacked care for his family because of his work. Sun Lei immediately felt relieved when he saw that he was heartbroken. Lin Qingkun vomited bitterness to Sun Lei. The more we talk, the more speculation.

Sun Lei and Lin Qingkun talked about the wine. Sun Lei used Jiu Jin to complain about Chen Shan's work but not family. He felt very sorry for Chen Shan. Lin Qingkun also cried out his grievances, claiming to give up the job of helping Xiaotangwan to go public, and kept pouring in. Sun Lei drank, Sun Lei was too strong to drink, and soon he drank too much, he became more excited as he talked, and finally burst into tears, he hurried to the bathroom to wash his face. Lin Qingkun took the opportunity to ask Chen Shan to defend the rights of Lin Jing and the victims, but he also insisted that Xiaotangwan was not responsible. Chen Shan didn't want to hear him say this, so she took Sun Lei back to the room in anger.

After Chen Shan settled down with Sun Lei, she received a message from Lin Qingkun. Lin Qingkun asked her to meet to discuss rights protection for Lin Jing. As soon as Chen Shan met, she revealed that Lin Qingkun was acting in front of Sun Lei. Lin Qingkun discovered that Chen Shan could not do it in front of Sun Lei. With the right choice, let Chen Shan make the decision now. Chen Shan insisted on helping the victims defend their rights, and Lin Qingkun had no choice but to give up.


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