
Former EXO member Kris Wu has been arrested by the Beijing police on charges of rape. The arrest comes after accusations were made by 17-year-old Du Meizhu accused the thirty-year-old singer of inviting her to a party at his home, where the young girl was pressured to drink alcohol, and had afterwards awoke in Wu's bed the following day.

Multiple other women had approached Ms Du with similar accusations after she came forward on the internet detailing her supposed ordeal at the singer's home. Several women had told Ms. Du that they had been lured with promises of job offers and other opportunities to be celebrities. Du Meizhu added that some of them were minors. 

Since then, at least twenty-four additional women have come forward with allegations of inappropriate behaviour by Mr. Wu.

Mr. Wu has come out against all the allegations, saying that there was no inappropriate behaviour, and that he had never enticed girls to have sex with him in return for benefits. He also denies raping girls while they were unconscious, and having sex with minors. In China, the legal age of sexual consent is 14.


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