Jimmy Lin 林志穎 and his six year old son was saved by a heroic bystander on July 22,2022. The bystander, Wu Ming Zhi, is a photographer who worked formerly for the Taiwanese cable network, Sanlih E-Television. The father and son were both taken to Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan.
The famous Taiwanese singer/actor Jimmy Lin and his son Jenson had a car accident. His Tesla burst into flames after it crashed into a signpost. The brave bystander rushed in and saved the father and son duo. Wu Ming Zhi said he didn't know how to open the Tesla's door, and it was actually Jenson, the six year old boy, who opened the door for him. Jensen asked Wu Ming Zhi to help carry him, so he unbuckled the boy and took him out to safety. Then, he went to rush to check on the driver, where he found that Jimmy's leg was stuck. When Wu took Jimmy out of the car, Jimmy tried to get up to find his son. Wu told him that Jenson was fine. Jimmy was covered in blood and had a dislocated arm, while his son suffered bruises to his little face. These pictures are being circulated online, and netizens were worried that Jimmy and his family might be upset because of gory pictures. Jimmy's family's response was that they were not upset because the person who photographed and circulated the pictures was the one who saved their family members's lives. Jimmy's mom wants to find and thank the heroic bystander personally. Jimmy's wife Kelly went to Weibo to give updates and thank everyone.