What Xiaoxiao cares about is why Ye Han's ex-girlfriend always appears in her world, and why it's Song Jinran every time. Ye Han even wanted to give up the magazine for her, until this time he discovered that the art exhibition was all about their love. Photo, she really couldn't stand this kind of love. Ye Han hugged her, but in the end Xiaoxiao broke up. Xiaoxiao was willing to fulfill their wishes, but she was like the flower that was thrown away. Ye Han was extremely scared and swore, but Xiaoxiao was already disappointed.

When Xiaoxiao came home and saw the flowers Ye Han had given her in the morning, she threw them into the trash can and cried bitterly. Lu Zheng watched Guo Shengyun's assistant come to order coffee and asked about Guo Shengyun's situation. The assistant felt that they were divorced and there was no comment, and Mr. Guo was very busy and had appointments every day. Xu Jialin worked hard to help Xu Yan clean the house. Xu Yan lost his wedding ring and vented his resentment on Xu Jialin. At this moment, she realized that Xu Yan was using his years of pain to hurt the people around him.

Ye Han was heartbroken and didn't even hear Xu Jiacheng talking to him. Xu Jialin hid in her bedroom and cried. She took out the information and photos about Xu Yan that she had treasured since she was a child, and reluctantly tore them up. Xu Jialin complained to Xiaoxiao that she really couldn't bear to throw away these scraps, and hoped that Xiaoxiao would help her say goodbye to the past and make up her mind to study abroad. Xiaoxiao envied her the freedom to choose to go abroad, but she did. Xu Jialin learned that Sister Xiaoxiao was also broken up in love, and the two comforted each other.

Xu Yan found the ring in the bathroom at night and realized that he had misunderstood Xu Jialin. Guo Shengyun was on a date with someone, and Lu Zheng was hiding in the dark observing their every move. Guo Shengyun looked at the steak and accidentally remembered the scene of eating with Lu Zheng. After the meal, Guo Shengyun was tipsy and almost fell down. She hurriedly asked the man why he was drinking. Guo Shengyun lied that this man was her boyfriend, and Lu Zheng took Guo Shengyun away as her husband. Guo Shengyun pretended to be drunk and wanted to kiss Lu Zheng, but Lu Zheng resisted, covered himself with a quilt and left in a hurry. Later he regretted not responding.

Xu Yan received a call from Xiaoxiao. Although Ye Han felt unhappy, he still asked Xu Yan to go to the appointment. Xiaoxiao gave Xu Jialin's torn-off photo to Xu Yan and told Xu Jialin that she was going abroad tonight. Xu Jialin has always been brave. The reason why she told him this was because she hoped that the two of them would not miss each other.

Xiaoxiao met Ye Han when she came out of Xu Yan's company. Ye Han stopped her and hoped to give him a chance. He could not accept her decision. Xiaoxiao said that he had been restrained by Song Jinran, and she couldn't bear it. She thought she was his now, but her idea was wrong. She became suspicious and jealous every time she was with Ye Han, because he, His own personality has also become annoying. Ye Han said that he would not disturb her again in the future.

Xu Yan didn't expect that Xiaoxiao and Ye Han would let go because of Song Jinran. He also felt that it was because of the past that hurt people in the present. Ye Han understood Xiaoxiao. After all, she was in pain because of Song Jinran, so separation was a relief. Xu Yan suddenly thought of Ye Han's words, which awakened the man in his dream, and he realized that it was time for him to start living again.

Xu Jialin packed all her luggage and went to the airport alone without letting her family take it to her. She hung up Xu Yan's phone in the car and turned off the phone. Xu Yan rushed to the airport desperately and finally found her. Xu Jialin turned around with difficulty. Faced with his efforts to stay, she had no reason to stay. He has not let go of the past, so he should let her go. Xu Yan admitted that he was cowardly and had liked her very early. Looking at the determined Xu Jialin, he hugged her from behind and said that he would never give up on her again. He took out the glued photo and said that this was The memories of the two of them hope that she will not leave and are willing to chase her to the end of the world. Xu Jiali was moved to tears, and she never expected that Xu Yan would kiss her in public.


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