As night fell, Yan Xing was still practicing hard. The image of his mother's careful guidance appeared in his mind, tired but determined. Shen Du accidentally came in and saw this scene, and persuaded him to give up his obsession with chasing the murderer. Yan Xing's eyes were determined, and he ordered his attendants to get some preserves to relieve his fatigue. At the same time, he expressed his determination: he vowed to bring the murderer to justice, lure the enemy deeper, and not allow him to retreat.

Later, Yan Xing cleverly arranged for Shen Du to introduce Mr. Wu and proposed a strategy of pretending to be his beloved wife to lure out the real murderer. Although Mr. Wu felt embarrassed, he had to obey. Yan Xing quickly changed her outfit and made a stunning appearance at the banquet, attracting everyone's attention. Even the Empress Dowager Kaiyangri was full of praise for her outfit. During the banquet, Yan Xing announced through the mouth of Mr. Wu that he would play the piano himself. The melodious sound of the piano instantly became the focus of the audience. After the performance, there was thunderous applause, but Yan Xing suddenly smelled a strange fragrance, fell into a hallucination, and was quietly taken away by a man in black.

When Shen Du discovered that Yan Xing was missing, he was anxious and immediately launched a search. Chief Wu knew nothing about this. Under the guidance of the man in black, Yan Xing seems to have traveled back to his childhood. Memory and reality are intertwined, making it difficult to tell the truth from the false. The man in black has a mysterious identity, knows Yan Xing well, and his words reveal his indignation at the injustice of the world.

Yan Xing tried to delay time and looked for an opportunity to escape, but was choked and threatened by the man in black. At this critical moment, Shen Du, like a divine soldier from heaven, arrived in time and snatched Yan Xing back from the hands of death. Yan Xing's eyes flashed with tears, and Shen Du felt heartbroken. It turned out that Yan Xingxing had sprinkled soybean powder on his clothes in advance, leaving trace clues for Shen Du.

Later, Jing Lin revealed the true identity of the man in black, who was actually a well-known person. Although Yan Xing was extremely weak, he still held on to his consciousness and waited for this moment to arrive. However, just when the truth was about to be revealed to the world, Yan Xing finally collapsed to the ground due to lack of physical strength. This thrilling contest came to an end with Yan Xing's wisdom and Shen Du's bravery, but the conspiracy and truth behind it are still waiting to be further revealed.

Only an hour after Yan Xing regained consciousness, she learned that the murderer was Mrs. Tang, which shocked the Empress Dowager. Yan Xing took the initiative to ask for help and was willing to interrogate him personally. Lu Chuichui was worried, but Yan Xing was full of confidence, thinking that he could touch Mrs. Tang's heartstrings.

Faced with the Empress Dowager's doubts, Yan Xing slowly revealed Mrs. Tang's motive for the murder: the victims were all treacherous people who were engaged and engaged in promiscuity. Yan Xing deliberately mentioned the key date of Kaiyang Day, which caused Mrs. Tang to lose control of her emotions. Upon seeing this, Shen Du cooperated tacitly, creating an atmosphere of love and trying to break down Mrs. Tang's psychological defense.

At this time, Xu Xiangren joins in with new discoveries, revealing clues and portrait evidence of the dead body. Yan Xing showed the portrait in public. Mrs. Tang became emotional and tried to snatch it away. She tearfully recounted the past: her sister was abducted, but she had an affair with her husband when she returned. She accidentally killed her husband with Kaiyang's poisonous wine, and her sister also disappeared. In the end, she held her husband's body to guard his grave. It was a tragedy. Again and again. When Yan Xing and everyone heard this, they all sighed.

Mrs. Tang completely collapsed, twisted by jealousy and revenge, and killed anyone who looked like her sister. She told Shen Du that there was nothing wrong with expressing her love and that husband and wife should support each other. This statement unexpectedly resonated with the Empress Dowager and Xu Wan. Shen Du held Yan Xing's hand tightly with complicated eyes.

Mrs. Tang attempted to commit suicide like a moth to a flame, but was eventually stopped. Shen Du took Yan Xing home. Yan Xing thought he would be scolded, but Shen Du treated him with tolerance. The two of them thought about the case together and wondered about the whereabouts of people's hearts. Yan Xing visited Mrs. Tang again to find out who was behind the scenes, but found that she had gone crazy and could only say "a moth flies into the flame". Yan Xing knew that there must be a secret behind the case, but the clues had been cut off, and Mrs. Tang would be questioned tomorrow. Xiao Chong returned and heard that Princess Yong'an was in danger. He was grateful to Yan Xing for his wisdom and courage, feeling that it was the key to breaking the situation.


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