Yan Caiwei wakes up, and everyone celebrates. Princess Yong'an gives her a jade as a blessing, which means that the two have a deep love for each other and look forward to a happy union for a hundred years. Yan Xing was secretly glad to know that the princess had let go of Han Shiyuan's matter. Yan Siniang insisted on a divorce, but Mr. Yan opposed it, fearing that the family would be disgraced. Yan Xing strongly supported him, saying that face is not the foundation of everything, and true feelings can only be revealed after going through ups and downs. Yan Caiwei also firmly believes that neither Han Shiyuan nor Shen Du is a shallow person, and they will not look down on themselves with Heli. Mrs. Yang agreed, and Master Yan nodded. Shen Du and others succeeded in the imperial examination and came out on top. Lu Chuichui was extremely happy. However, during the civil service transfer order, Mr. Yan's name was lost to Sunshan, which is regrettable.

In a blink of an eye, on the wedding day of Yan Caiwei and Han Shiyuan, Zhang Baohuan entertained the guests warmly and the atmosphere was festive. When Lu Chui heard that Mr. Yan had agreed to Yan Siniang's reconciliation, he was secretly happy, thinking that the Yan family's views were quietly changing, which indicated that Yan Xing's road to reconciliation might be smoother in the future. Lai Luozhi's sudden visit made the atmosphere at the scene delicate for a moment. The few exchanges between her and Shen Du added to the atmosphere. However, Lai Luozhi claimed that he was only here to send congratulations, and then turned around and left, leaving the whole room in shock. Shen Du quietly sat down next to Yan Xing, and Lu Chuichui stepped away after seeing this. Yan Caiwei and Han Shiyuan walked in at this time and held a ceremony of worship. Yan Xing's eyes were filled with blessings and joy.

During the banquet, Yan Xing asked Shen Du privately whether he was involved in his father's transfer of orders. Shen Du smiled and did not answer. Yan Xing was grateful and silently thanked him. Not long after, an urgent report came from Gannan Road. The headless ghost murder case made the people panic and uneasy. Mo Qianzhi, the governor, begged the court to send capable ministers to investigate. After hearing the news, the Empress Dowager immediately summoned Shen Du and Yan Xing and entrusted them with important tasks. The two accepted the order and vowed to uncover the truth and restore peace to Gannan.

Before leaving, the Empress Dowager summoned Yan Xing alone and gave him a piece of clothing and a secret order, ordering him to secretly detect whether Mo Qianzhi had any rebellious intentions. Yan Xing was confused, wondering why this important task fell on his own shoulders instead of Shendu. On the way home, Yan Xing mentioned this matter to his master, who slowly explained the reason: Mo Qianzhi was a man with an open career, but he was deeply implicated in the Shen family's affairs. As a disciple of Shen Du's father, he once stood up in times of crisis and tried to save Shen Du's life, but in the end he was relegated to the frontier. Yan Xing suddenly realized and finally understood the profound meaning of the Empress Dowager.

Yan Xing was ready to go and her luggage was fully loaded. Lu Chuichui and Yan's mother also came to see her off, loaded with caring things. Shen Du initially said that it would be difficult to load a car, but in the end he left them all behind. The journey was bumpy, and Yan Xing felt unwell and vomited repeatedly. Shen Du was concerned and told him to report any discomfort at any time. While resting at the inn, Jing Lin revealed that most of the food prepared by Yan Xing was medicinal food, which was actually a sign of sympathy for Shen Du. In the middle of the night, Shen Du accidentally saw Qi Yeyun acting sneakily. Yan Xing showed up and learned that Qi Yeyun wanted to become his disciple, so he temporarily took him in. Arriving at Gannan Road, Mo Qian greeted him, and Shen Du called him senior brother, but Mo Qian yielded and did not dare to accept him. The atmosphere is subtle, the two people have different intentions, and together they embark on the road to investigate the case of the headless ghost.


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