Yan Xing was full of expectations for the prescription, but felt that it was difficult to find the blood in his mirror image. Lu Chuichui was shocked to hear that the person in the mirror image was the late Chen Huomo, but Yan Xing did not give up and decided to continue the search. On the other side, Jing Lin revealed to Shen Du that Yan Caiwei was studying the special skills of Hehuo Moth Gate, which was entrusted by the Yan family. Shen Du felt a little unhappy that the Yan family didn't ask him directly for help. At this time, Han Shiyuan asked for Princess Yong'an's help and did not hesitate to ask for an audience, but was rejected and sent back to the Yan family. The princess admitted that she was not the one who poisoned her, and was surprised by Han Shiyuan's actions.

Shen Du realized that this series of events was all caused by him, so he went to Lailuozhi to investigate. Unexpectedly, when Luo Zhi's residence was empty, there was only a thick fog. Shen Du accidentally fought with a mysterious man and hurriedly explained that he didn't mean to offend. Lai Luozhi appeared at the right time and scolded Shen Du for trespassing in the backyard, fearing a misunderstanding.

This encounter made Shen Du feel that the situation was even more complicated, and he secretly thought about how to deal with this sudden challenge and mystery. The Yan family, Princess Yong'an, Lai Luozhi and other forces all seem to be closely connected by an invisible network, weaving together stories of love, hatred, grievances and entanglements.

Shen Du stared at Lai Luozhi closely and asked about his true intention. Lai Luozhi smiled leisurely and said that he did have the key thing in his hand. She handed her a cup of tea, but Jing Lin hurriedly stopped her from crossing, suspecting that it was poisonous. Lai Luozhi responded calmly, everyone was afraid of this place and did not even dare to taste the tea in the cup. Shen Du drank it resolutely, and Lai Luo Zhi immediately revealed: The blood in the mirror image's heart is hidden in this special teacup.

Shen Du carefully examined the cup and discovered its exquisite structure, and his painstaking efforts were cleverly sealed. Lai Luozhi explained that this cup was specially made by craftsmen from the Western Regions and was specially made to preserve the precious blood. Shen Du asked what he wanted, and Lai Luo Zhi bluntly said that he needed Shen Du to make a promise: if you help today, you will repay double in the future. Shen Du weighed the pros and cons and finally agreed.

At the same time, Yan Xing's father turned to Zhang Xiang for help, but failed. The wise king heard about Yan Caiwei's poisoning and questioned Prime Minister Zhang. Zhang Qian's conspiracy was exposed, saying that poisoning could drive a wedge between the King of England and Shen Du, making Shen Du unable to help the King of England. The wise king felt helpless about this. The struggle for power actually made people so lost.

Mrs. Yang was very anxious and begged Yan Xing to find another solution. Although my aunt felt sorry for Yan Xing and tried her best, she could not hide her dissatisfaction. Mrs. Yang suggested asking Shen Du for help, believing that even though Yan Caiwei had failed him, the blood relationship should not be severed, and Shen Du should lend a helping hand.

Shen Du appeared at the right time, echoed Mrs. Yang's words, and revealed that the painstaking effort was obtained. Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the news, and Yan Xing quickly prepared the medicine. In order to ensure that the medicine was correct, Yan Xing resolutely tried the medicine, but saw that Shen Du also drank it. Yan Xing was shocked and quickly asked about his safety. Shen Du laughed and said that since what he believed to be a gift from Luo Zhi was true, there was no need to worry too much, but he never expected that he would be the one to test the medicine. He joked that if it was really poisonous, it would be God's will. Shen Du added that he hopes Yan Xing will think of himself first when something happens and show his deep friendship. On the other side, the sister who came to Luo Zhi was confused about what her sister had done, and questioned her complex layout of both poisoning and detoxification, as well as her purpose of being exposed to Shen Du. Lai Luozhi said frankly that everything is for the benefit of the family and hopes that the family will get what they want.


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